Barton, Roger,
How to Watch Birds
. NY: McGraw Hill Co. Inc. 1955.
Good tips on bird watching. Filled with ideas for attracting and caring for birds. Good list of references inside.
Hamilton, W. J. Jr.,
American Mammals
. NY: McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc. 1939.
Facts about all mammals in North America. Interesting section on squirrel emigration from CT. to New York.
Orr, Robert T.,
Mammals of North America
. NY: Doubleday and Co. Inc. 1943.
Vivid pictures of mammals. General information about squirrels included.
Peterson, Roger Tory,
The Birds
. NY: Time-Life Books 1968. Beautifully illustrated. Life-like pictures of every facet of bird life.
Peterson, Roger Tory,
A Field Guide to the Birds
. Cambridge, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1947.
Descriptions and pictures of bird types their habits, markings and range. Excellent reference book.
Reed, Chester A.,
North American Birds Eggs
. NY: Dover Publication Inc. 1965.
A virtual encyclopedia of every type of bird egg. Picture of the egg is followed by a description of the bird and its habits.
Roberts, Thomas Sadler,
Bird Portraits in Color
. Minneapolis: U. of Minnesota Press 1934.
Succinct description of bird habits with close-up pictures of each species. Good for help with identification.
Shorten, Monica,
. London: Collins Clear Type Press 1954. Excellent information about squirrels. Filled with action pictures and very good charts.
Welty, Joel Carl,
The Life of Birds
. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders
Co. 1975.
Factual information about bird anatomy and biology. In depth descriptions and pictures for the very scientific minded.
Zim, Herbert S. and Hoffmeister, Donald F.,
. Racine, Wisconsin: Western Publishing Co. 1955.
Good handbook. Short descriptions and maps of regions where particular are very helpful.