Donald J. Surprenant
It would be advisable to present this unit over a four or five week period. This particular unit can best be presented by dividing it into smaller or mini units. The first mini-unit, of one or two weeks, might deal with settlement. The second mini-unit would discus constitutionalism, which should take a two or three week period of time. One week at the end of the unit should be set aside for discussion of any research and papers the students might have done on their own. Testing should be done at the end of each mini-unit with a major test at the end of the entire unit. Testing at the end of each unit will evaluate the students’ progress and serve to evaluate the teacher’s effectiveness in presenting the material.
The following lesson plans are intended only as a suggested starting point for the teacher. They may be used or adjusted in any way to suit the class and the teacher.
Lesson I
Performance Objectives: At the conclusion of this lesson the children should be able to:
1. identify Thomas Hooker and what he did.
2. identify the three reasons for leaving the Bay Colony.
3. identify the Holmes Company and their part in early settlements.
4. identify John Oldham and his settlement.
Students would be introduced to the geography of Connecticut through the use of maps, overhead projector and ditto maps that the students can complete themselves. The students would be encouraged to discover: what attracted settlers to Connecticut in the first place?; what was the importance of the rivers to these early settlers?; are there parallels in the early settlement of Connecticut to that of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
Lesson II
Performance Objectives: At the conclusion of this lesson the children should be able to:
1. identify the significance of the Warwick Patent.
2. identify early conflict between Saybrook and the River Colony.
3. identify the importance of the Pequot Indians.
Students would be introduced to the Warwick Patent via overhead projector. Students would be encouraged to identify the major component parts of the document. Then proceed to trace the Pequot Indians and their quest to drive the whiteman from Connecticut. Identify major battle areas.