1. If people could control their “high”, do you see anything wrong with smoking marijuana?
2. Do you think that everything you say or do is right? What do you think about people who do?
3. Do your teachers deserve the same respect that you give your parents/guardians?
4. Have you ever become jealous of a friend because of his/her special talents or skills?
5. How do you feel when people talk about your parents or someone in your family?
(submitted by Eric Daniels)
1. Would you like to live in Paris in a castle? Explain why.
2. If you won a trip to Las Vegas, who would you take with you?
3. Are you really serious about how you are preparing for life?
4. Explain how you feel about having reached puberty.
5. What famous star/celebrity would you like to be with? Why?
(submitted by Marvin Keen and Linda Hooks)
1. How would you feel about being in an overcrowded classroom next year? (submitted by Felicia Curry)
1. Would you be able to cope with having a retarded child? Why or why not? (submitted by Raceta Thompson)
1. If the KKK came to New Haven to make all Blacks move out, what actions would you take?
2. If your family was held in Iran, would you sit and wait for Carter or would you make plans?
3. If you won a trip to Fantasy Island, what would your fantasy be? Explain it.
4. If a famous person came to your house for dinner, would you act richer than you are? Why or why not?
(submitted by Pam Maybery)
1. Are you bored with your home life? Why or why not?
2. Is school worth all the trouble, work and frustration to you? Why?
(submitted by Marvin Keen)
1. Do you think the legal age (18) in Conn. is a good age or should it be changed to 20 or 21? Why?
2. What do you think about the availability of pornography, XXX movies and sex clubs?
3. Due to the energy crisis, do you think the production of big cars should be stopped and the money used for something else?
(submitted by Beth Scott)
1. If you were to write a book about yourself, what would be the highest point or climax?
2. Was there ever a time when you felt like slapping your mother/father/guardian? Describe it.
3. Describe a time when you felt like you weren’t needed by anyone? Why did you feel that way?
(submitted by Sheila Rogers)
1. Would you adopt a child in your later years? Why or why not?
2. Do you plan to send your children to public or private school? Why?
3. Did you ever run away from home or ever think about it? Describe the situation and the outcome.
(submitted by Thomas Biggs)
1. What would you do if your doctor told you that you had only three weeks to live?
2. If someone was about to be attacked in front of you, would you help or run? Why?
3. Do you think your life is pretty well set for the future?
(submitted by Lovell Jenkins)
Topics submitted anonymously:
1. How much household responsibility should the male partner have in a live-in situation?
2. Are organized religions meeting the needs of people today?
3. Who is the mayoral candidate of your choice and why?
4. What is your opinion of budget cuts in education in this city?
5. If you had to choose a place to retire and money was no problem, where would you go and why?
6. Where is a place that something important in your life happened? Explain.
7. What is one thing that you have changed your mind about? Why?
8. Who is one person who you know that seems to have it “more together” than you? What quality would you borrow from him/her?
9. Who is the fairest adult you know? Explain.
10. Describe any serious accident or illness you have had.
11. How will failing one or more courses this year effect your schedule for next year?
12. Describe your relationship with your mother/father/guardian.
13. If you could be rich through illegal means, would you do it? To what extent would you go?
14. Would life be worth living if you went through it never having loved someone?
15. If you could control it, how would you like to die? Why?