AriasLarreta, Abraham, translator
Pre-Columbian Masterpieces
, (Kansas City: Editorial Indoamerica, 1967).
Includes the play with detailed notes and a Glossary of Terms. Two other classics of preColumbian literature are included, the
Popol Vuh
and the
Chilam Balam
Brinton, Daniel G.,
The Güegüence
, (New York: AMS Press, 1969).
In addition to the play, the book includes background material and drawings of the Indians and their artifacts. There is also a comprehensive vocabulary of Nahuatl and Spanish words.
Garcilaso de la Vega, el Inca,
Royal Commentaries of the Inca
, translated by Mar’a Polas, (New York: The Orion Press, 1961).
A firsthand account of the Spanish conquest of Peru containing numerous 16th century drawings.
Monterde, Francisco,
Indigenous PreHispanic Theater: Rabinal Ach’
, (Indianapolis: Merrill Publishers, 1955).
The play is presented along with analyses of subject, plot, character, dialogue, and poetry. Numerous notes on the text help clarify unfamiliar phrases and allusions.