Highways In The Sky: Flight Control
Carolyn C. Smith
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Give FeedbackThe unknown has always been a mystery to man. Although experiments and technology have made it easier for us to explore these unknowns, the sky and/or space will continue to fascinate man. There is and always will be the ever present dangers of the air because of the constant changes found in this mass.
Man’s undying conquest of the sky brings with it the necessity to make it safe for him to maneuver and continue to probe the sky. This unit is designed to share with you the basics of AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL in order to make flying of aircraft safe, enjoyable, quick, and adventurous. The topics listed in the Table of Contents will be addressed with the hope that they will be of great interest to the students. There is that great possibility that one of them may wish to choose a career which would be related to “Highways ln The Sky”.