Lynch, Eleanor.
Developing Cross-Cultural Competencies: A Guide For Working With Young Children and Their Families
. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. 1991.
This is an excellent source intended to keep anyone interested in becoming more effective in cross-cultural interactions in working with youth and their families. It considers crucial issues relevant to adolescents and bilingual education.
Fitzpatrick, Joseph.
Puerto Rican Americans
. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1971.
This book is an excellent analysis of Puerto Ricans once they have settled in New York. It discusses various aspects of bilingual education as seen by adolescents.
Wills, C. Wright, and Rose Kahn Godsen.
The Puerto Rican Journal
New York’s Newest Migrants
. New York: Russell & Russell, 1967.
Explicates the lives of Puerto Ricans in the Bronx and Spanish Harlem, their relationship to immigrant groups, reasons for migrations and struggles for adaptation including educational experiences. This book is appropriate for parts of the unit on bilingual education because many of the students in bilingual education are of Puerto Rican heritage.
The Regional Laboratory for Educational Improvements of the Northeast and Islands.
Building Bridges of Learning and Understanding: A Collection of Classroom Activities on Puerto Rican Culture
. The Regional Laboratory for Educational Improvement of the Northeast and Islands, Andover (MA), 1990.
Benson, P., Williams.
The Quicksilver Years: The Hopes and Fears of Early Adolescence
. San Francisco: Harper and Rowe, Publishers, 1987.
A concise and readable work on the traits, fears and aspirations that confront adolescents of all races, colors, economic backgrounds and cultures. Good reference for students also.
Crandall, J., Spanos, G., Christian, and Simick-Dudgeon, C.
Integrating Language and Content Instruction for Language Minority Students
. Silver Spring, MD: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, 1987.
Krashen, Stephen.
Bilingual Education: A Focus On Current Research
, Washington, D.C.: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, 1991.
Furby, Lita.
Risk Taking in Adolescence: A Decision Making Perspective.
Eugene, Oregon: Eugene Research Institute, 1990.
The author writes an excellent portrayal of the word adolescent and examines many risk-taking adolescent behaviors. This book has good illustrations for students.
Movisey, J.M.
Consent and Confidentiality: A Legal Guide.
Boston: Little, Brown, 1978.
The author examines with great clarity and detail the principle of parental consent, including its history, exceptions to court rulings and ramifications for adolescents.
Keeton, W.P., Dobbs, D.B., Keeton, R.E. (eds.),
Prosser and Keeton on the Law of Torts. 5th ed.
St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1984.
Gittler, Josephine.
Adolescent Health Care Decision Making: The Law and Public Policy.
Iowa City: National Maternal and Child Health Resource Center, 1990.