African Roots: A Trace of History
All African Americans can trace their heritage to some part of Africa. As a result of the slave trade blacks were brought to North America and the Caribbean Islands. For example the medieval empire of Mali, rich in history and culture is located in western Africa. At least 10% of African Americans of today’s population can trace their roots back to Mali. It is believe that before Christopher Columbus, Mandingoes of the Mali and Songhay Empires, as well as other Africans, crossed the Atlantic to trade with Western Hemisphere natives and established colonies throughout the Americas (Hanks-Butts 1973, 30).
Have students view a video cassette of authentic African music. Approximate viewing time is 22 minutes.
Focuses on West African music, with special focus on the music of Ghana. m e chief musical instruments of Africa are rattles, bells, and drums. The sounds of these instruments are blended with the human voice to create a distinctive musical style. The music forms not only pleasing sounds but also develops a narrative form as well. In discovering music, we explore the fundamentals of basic musical categories with emphasis on both the technique and instruments as well as the music itself.