Lesson Plan 1
Warm-Up Activity objective: To help students focus on one thing and respond to a chant or game rhyme.
Using the rhyme “Pizza, Pizza, Daddy-o!” will require student to listen and respond to rhyme being spoken. The teacher should read the entire rhyme and tell students what parts they must say. They should go through it two times before trying to do their parts of the rhyme. Once this is done the students will be ready to participate in chanting the rhyme. When this is completed the students will be ready to listen to the rhyme.
Lesson Plan 2 Telling the Tale
Objective To improve students listening skills.
The folk tale to be read is “Why The Rabbit Is Alert”. Use pictures to show the different kinds of rabbits. Tell students the tale they are about to be told is about a rabbit. Give them a purpose question. This helps students to remember important facts. For instance, what lesson did the rabbit learn in the tale? Or who were the other important characters in the tale? Why are their roles important. Any questions of this nature relating to the tale can be used. Then proceed to tell the tale. Summarize the tale by discussing the lesson the rabbit learned and how the legs of the rabbit were formed.
Lesson Plan 3 Art Activity objective: To help students create the main character of the tale.
Read the folk tale “Bringing The Rain To Kapiti Plain” and have students create how they think Kapit looks. Encourage students to use fabrics and or paper to make Kapit come to life. You may want to develop a pattern students can use if they are having difficulty. This will help reinforce the role of Kapit in the tale.