Cross, Theodore.
The Black Power Imperative Racial Inequality and the Politics of Nonviolence.
New York: Faulkner Books. 1977. He gives some interesting theories about education equality and inequality and the majority power structure’s role in this dilemma.
Bell, Derrick Ed.
Shades of Brown: New Perspectives on School Desegregation
New York: Teachers College Press. 1980. Eight essays giving perspective to the
case, segregation, racism and educational remedies. Good viewpoints.
Gibbs, Jewelle Taylor, E
d. Young, Black and Male in America: An Endangered Species.
Dover, MA.: Auburn House Publishing Co. 1988 A good set of essays arguing why the black male is an endangered species and some recommendations to remedy the situations so it does not continue.
Gross, Beatrice & Ronald Ed
The Great School Debate: Which Way for American Education
Hacker, Andrew
Two Nations Black & White, Separate, Hostile, Unequal
Innerst, Carol,
ACLU, NOW Sue over Idea of Schools for Black males Only,
Wash. times, Aug. 7, 1991 at A1
Jaynes, Gerald David & Robin Williams Jr. eds.
A Common Destiny Blacks and American Society.
Washington, DC: National Academy Press. 1989. This is report from the Committee on the Status of Blacks Americans. There is a very good, statistically detailed chapter on the schooling of Blacks Americans.
Johnson, Diek
Milwaukee Creating 2 Schools for the Blacks Boys
N. Y. Times, Sept. 30, 1990 at A1.
Lee, Valerie “ A narrowly Gender-Based Model of Learning May End up Cheating All Students”
The Harvard Education Letter
July/August 1995. She makes some interesting points against gender based classes using actual school data.
Lieberman, Myron
Public Education An Autopsy.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1993 The book contains several good chapters on racial conflict, tracking, bilingual education and the consequences federal legislation in racial issues.
Massero, Toni Marie
Constitutional Literacy A Core Curriculum for a Multcultural Nation.
Durham: Duke University Press. 1993 This offers a good analysis of the legal issues of the education cases.
Navaro, Mireya S
egregation or a Solution? Student Ponder a School Plan,
N.Y. Times, Jan. 18, 1991, at B1. Discusses controversy surrounding N.Y. City’s proposal to create a school for black and Latino boys called the Ujamaa Institute.
Petrikin, Jonathan s. ed.
Male/female Roles: Opposing Viewpoints.
San Diego: Green haven Press, Inc. . 1995. The first chapter “How are sex Roles Established?” Has good pro & con essays on gender role development in our society. Good periodical bibliographies are included.
“All-Male Black Schools & the Equal Protection Clause; a Step Forward Toward Education”
66 Tul. L. Rev. 2003 (1992).
Steskal, Christopher, “
Creating Space for Racial Difference; The Case for African-American Schools” 27 Har. C.R.C.L.L. Rev. 187 (1992).
Strane, Susan.
A Whole-Souled woman Prudence Crandall and the Education of Black Women.
New York: W.W. Norton 7 Co. 1990. A detailed biography of Crandall with an extensive bibliography. Also appropriate for advanced reading students.
Thernstrom, Stephan
. Poverty & Progress: Social Mobility in a Nineteenth Century City. New York: Atheneum. 1977.
A historical account of the social systems & ideas of social mobility established in Newburyport, Mass in the 19th century.
Brown v. Bd of Education (Brown I)
347 U.S. 483, 74 S. Ct 686 98 L. Ed. 873 (1954).
Brown v. Bd of Education (Brown II)
349 U. S. 294, 2999 75 S. Ct. 753 99
L. Ed. 1083 (1955
Crandall v. the State of Ct
Conn. Reports 340
Faulkner v. Jones
10 F. 3d. 226 (1993).
Faulkner v. Jones
51 F. 3d. 440 (1995)
Faulkner v. Jones
66 F. 3d. 661 (1995).
Garrett v. The Board of Education, 775 F. Supp. 1004, (E.D. Mich. 1991)
Loving v. Virginia
388 U.S. 1, 11, 87 S. Ct., 1817, 18L. ed. 2d 1010 (1967)
Mississippi Univ. for Women v. Hogan
458 U.S. 718 (1982)
United States v. Commonwealth of Virginia
976 F. 2d. 890 (4th Cir 1992)