As with the last section of the unit, I see the importance of using the jargon of building as a way to increase the vocabulary of my students, and help them put a name to objects and people they know but whose correct name they are unfamiliar. Often in conversation even the most articulate of my students will describe by action or definition what they mean to say but the word escapes them. They have seen cement mixers but most will not know it by name. They will describe it as " that truck that has the part in the back that turns and it carries cement." They know what they want to say but can't. From my perspective, if they remember only a few words it will be an accomplishment.
There are many people who work on a bridge. That includes:
1. Client - community people / officials who commission the bridge.
2. Bridge Designer - works on the design of the bridge.
3. Structural Engineer helps to make sure that the bridge is correctly designed.
4. Contractor - the person hired to be in charge of building the bridge. He works with the designer and engineer to make sure the correct plans are followed.
5. Project superintendent- hired by the contractor to hire workers and keep track of materials and equipment that will be used. Usually it is their job to schedule the work to be done.
6. Foremen (men and women can have this job) help the project superintendent with specific jobs. One might be in charge of carpenters, one in charge of masons and another in charge of steel workers.
7. Builders - include the people who actually build the bridge: cement masons, steelworkers, carpenters, truck drivers, electricians, and equipment operators.
8. Suppliers - people and businesses that furnish materials, fabricate pieces, and provide services while the bridge is being constructed.
9. Inspectors - they visit the bridge as it is being built and make sure that all the people are doing their job correctly and that all the safety codes are being followed.
10. Safety Consultants who checkout and approve the bridge upon completion.