Abhau, Marcy, editor, with Rolaine Copeland and Greta Genberger. (1987).
Architecture in Education
. . Philadelphia, PA. __ A resource of Imaginative Ideas and Tested Activities.
Balaban, Richard C. and Alison Igo St. Clair. (1979).
The Mystery Tour
. Washington, DC. National Endowment for the Arts. __Explores the design environment with children.
Black, Mary. (1976)
Old & New York in Early Photographs
. New York. Dover Publications. __Pictures of The Brooklyn Bridge.
Burns, Ken. (Producer). (1982)
The Brooklyn Bridge
. (Film). Direct Cinema Limited, P.O. Box 10003. Sta. Mónica California 90410. __Narrative history of The Brooklyn Bridge.
D'Alielio, Jane. (1989).
I Know That Building!
, Washington, DC. National Trust for Historic Preservation Press. __Introduces architecture with activities and games.
Eriksen, Aase and Wintermute, Margorie. (1983).
Students, Structures, Spaces
. New York. Addison-Wesley. __Activities in the built environment.
Grafton, John. (1977).
New York in the Nineteenth Century
. New York. Dover Publications. __Displays pictures of the Brooklyn Bridge.
Giles, Paul. (1986)
Hart Crane: The Contexts of the Bridge
. Cambridge, MA __Poems by author.
Hanks, Kurt, and Bellinston, Larry. (1977) Draw! A Visual Approach to Thinking, Learning and Communicating. California. William Kaufman Inc. __Introduces students with drawing using mechanical tools.
Harris, Cyril M. (1993). Dictionary of Architecture & Construction. 2nd. Edition. New York. McGraw-Hill, Inc. __Dictionary of architecture, engineering and construction terms.
Hart Crane. (1992). (On-line).
To Brooklyn Bridge
. Yahoo. Brooklyn Bridge. __Poems written by author.
Hatch, Kathlyn. (1994). Teaching With Architecture. A Casebook for Classroom and Community. University of Vermont. VT. __Observation by teachers of what happens when architecture is introduced into a class.
Hawken, Nigel. (1993) Structures. The way Things are Built. New York. Macmilan, Inc. __Introduces structures.
Jackson, Kenneth T. (1998). The Neighborhoods of Brooklyn. New Haven, CT. Yale University Press. __Pictures of The Brooklyn Bridge.
Kelvin Electronics. Introduction to Bridge Building. (1995). New York. __Explores the fundamental of technology areas.
Mann, Elizabeth. (1996) The Brooklyn Bridge: The Story of the World's Most Famous Bridge & the Remarkable Family That Built It. New York. Mikaya Press __Narrative of the history of the Brooklyn Bridge.
MaCullough, David W. (1983). The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge. New York. Simon & Schubert Trade. __Narrative of the history of the Brooklyn Bridge.
Moore, Charles and Allen, Gerald. (1976) Dimensions: Space, Shape and Scale in Architecture. New York. McGraw-Hill Book Co. __Introduces principles of architecture.
Rasmussen, Steen Eelier. (1959). Experiencing Architecture. Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press. __Introduces principles of architecture.
Reynolds, Donald Martin. (1994) Architecture of New York City. (Revised Edition). New York. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. __Histories and views of important structures, sites, and symbols.
Rubenstein, Rheta N. Integrated Mathematics 1. (1995). Teacher's Edition. . Boston, MA. __9th grade math curriculum for New Haven public school system
Rubenstein, Rheta N.
Integrated Mathematics 1
. (1995). Study Guide. Boston, MA. __9th grade math curriculum for New Haven public school system.
Salvadori, Mario (1979).
Building from caves to Skyscrapers
. New York, Atheneum. __Introduces structures and buildings.
Salvadoru, Mario. (1980)
Why Buildings stand Up: The Strength of Architecture
. New York. W.W. Norton & Company. __Introduces building making, and structures.
Salvadori, Mario and Tempel, Michael. (1983)
Architecture and Engineering: An Illustrated Teacher's Manual on Why Building Stand up
. New York, New York Academy of Science. __Manual for teachers.
Shapiro, Mary J. (1983).
A Picture History of the Brooklyn Bridge
. New York. Dover Publications, Inc. __Displays pictures of the Brooklyn Bridge.
St. George, Judith. (1982)
The Brooklyn Bridge: They Said it Couldn't Be Built
. G.P. Putnam's Sons. New York. __Narrates The history of The Brooklyn Bridge.
Trachtenberg. (1990)
Brooklyn Bridge: Fact & Symbol
. Chicago. University of Chicago Press. __Introduces The Brooklyn Bridge.
Winter, Nathan B. (1986)
Architecture is Elementary: Visual Thinking through Architectural Concepts
. Salt Lake City. UT. Gibbs M. Smith, Inc. __Introduces architectural concepts.
Wetzel, John C. Mathematics.
CAPT Resource Book
. (1996). Printed in the United States of America. __Guidelines for the Connecticut Academic Performance Test.
Wolfe, Gerad. (1983)
New York: A Guide to the Metropolis: Walking Tours of Architecture and History
. New York. MacGraw-Hill Book Co. __Narrative pictures of the Brooklyn Bridge.