This unit has been designed to meet the diverse educational needs of an inner-city 5th grade class in a Middle school setting. Nearly 98% are African-American and 2% are a miscellaneous assortment of Hispanic and Asian population. Students come from different socioeconomic backgrounds and this affects the impact of education in their lives. Few of them are under direct parental care. Most of them live with their grandparents or foster parents. A great deal of anger is provoked when something is said about anyone's mother. The image of a mother, irrespective of whether she is part of their daily lives, is very important to these children; they strive constantly to protect that image. Therefore, a unit on Women seems appropriate. This unit offers flexibility and can be modified to match different teaching styles.
My curriculum unit meets the New Haven School District Expectations for 5th graders in Language Arts, Social Studies and Social Development.
Language Arts
The student will be able to summarize and analyze texts; read and write every day; make presentations to many audiences.
Social Studies
The student will be able to identify Native Americans and examine their culture.
Social Development
The student will understand the effect people have on one another.