About the Authors

Richard H. Brodhead is A. Bartlett Giamatti Professor of English and Dean of Yale College.

Janet Ray Edwards is Program Officer for the Division of Research and Education at the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Sharon M. Floyd is a teacher at Saginaw High School in Michigan.

Manuel N. Gómez is Vice Chancellor of Student Services at the University of California at Irvine.

Dixie Goswami is the Coordinator of the Bread Loaf Rural Teacher Network, Bread Loaf School of English, at Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont.

Howard R. Lamar is President Emeritus and Sterling Professor Emeritus of History at Yale University.

Patricia McGrath and Felix Galaviz are Co-Directors of the Puente Project. Joan Rouleau, staff write for the Puente Project, also contributed to this article

Carol Booth Olson is the Director of the University of California, Irvine Writing Project

James W. Pipkin teaches English at the University of Houston.

Richard Simonelli is Senior Editor of Winds of Change, a magazine of education and opportunity for American Indians and journal of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society.

Philip Sittnick is a Language Arts teacher at Laguna Middle School in New Mexico.

Laura B. Smolkin is Assistant Professor of Elementary Education at the University of New Mexico.

Rev. Frederick J. Streets is Univeristy Chaplain and Pastor at Yale University.

Joseph H. Suina is Associate Professor of Elementary Education at the University of New Mexico and is former governor of the Cochiti pueblo.

Ronald Takaki teaches in the Ethnic Studies Department, University of California, Berkeley.

Bryan J. Wolf is Professor of American Studies and English at Yale University.

Back to Table of Contents of the Fall 1996 Issue of On Common Ground