Annual Report 2000 Contents
During 2000, the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute continued to make progress in its two complementary areas of activity: the local and the national.
In New Haven it conducted a program of seven seminars for Fellows. It continued its expansion of Centers for Professional and Curricular Development in the schools (with eleven Centers in operation and a twelfth begin renewed at the end of the year). I t developed further the relationship of its resources to school curricula. And it pursued its fund-raising to ensure the continuation of its activity in New Haven and across the country in the longer term. Progress on the national level has been most notably assisted by a four-year grant from the DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund, and a supplementary three-year grant from the McCune Charitable Foundation, for the establishment of a National Demonstrati on Project. The Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute has now completed the second year in a three-year process of working with four other Teachers Institutes that looks toward the establishment of a long-term collaboration. This Demonstration Project has beg un to create a network of Teachers Institutes across the country that can serve as a model for university-school collaboration. The Institute is now seeking funds to continue the national initiative through a fourteen-year process, including a two-year ph ase of assessment and preparation, which might establish as many as 45 new Teachers Institutes across the nation. The periodical On Common Ground may become a vehicle for the dissemination of the progress and results of this initiative. |
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