The Institute Web-Site
Annual Report 2002 Contents
Electronic versions of the Institute’s publications-including the volumes of curriculum units and essays and other materials concerning the Institute’s work-are available at its Web-site. (The address is The Web-site played an important role during the National Demonstration Project, as a link in its network of information and a model for the Web-sites of other Teachers Institutes, and it will be of continuing importance as the Yale National Initiative proceeds. The full texts of almost all the units written between 1978 and 2002, plus an index and guide to these units, are thus available on-line to teachers in New Haven and elsewhere. Information about the Institute (its brochures and most recent Annual Reports) is also available, as is the text of its periodical On Common Ground. To call attention to this resource, the Web location has also been advertised prominently on the cover of On Common Ground, which contains articles regarding school-university partnerships and is intended for a national audience. The Institute has created a “guestbook” on its Web-site, in order to invite comments and suggestions from those who have visited the site. In recent years the site has been used by more and more people in many parts of this country and abroad—school teachers from both public and private schools (including Fellows from other Teachers Institutes in the National Demonstration Project and the Yale National Initiative), school and university administrators, parents, volunteers, university professors, high school students, graduate students, librarians, military personnel, home schoolers, local policy-makers, and others conducting research or having an interest in education. We estimate that, from its inauguration in June 1998 through December 2002, this Web-site has been visited by approximately 2.2 million persons. More than 700,000 of those visitors appeared on the site during 2002. (image available in print form) Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute Web-site located at /. In 2002 we continued to hear from educators from a great many countries. A partial list would include the United Kingdom, Mexico, Algeria, Germany, Egypt, Australia, India, China, Canada, Brazil, France, Taiwan, the Netherlands, Iran, the Philippines, Yemen, Guam, Venezuela, Pakistan, Argentina, Romania, South Africa, North Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates. A school teacher from the Department of Defense schools for dependents came across the Web-site while surfing in Norway, and forwarded its link to his computer on Okinawa. A consultant to school library services with the Education & Manpower Bureau in China praised the usefulness of its curriculum database. One teacher from Australia said, “I think what your program does is what we in Australia should be doing on a much more regular basis.” Another hoped to “establish similar work here.” From various parts of the United States came similar statements. A graduate student at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst who is researching for resources for the Massachusetts curriculum frameworks said, “ The Web-site is amazing.” A nurse and hospital administrator in Ann Arbor said, “I am impressed with the relationship that has been established between Yale and the New Haven School system. This is a model for the rest of the country, in particular my state of Michigan.” A teacher in Port Byron, NY, said, “I wish our local college could have such a resource.” And a school teacher and university adjunct in Pennsylvania said, “This is a tremendous opportunity for the New Haven schools. . . . The vast array of educational information available through this partnership would be a boon to any school curriculum.” |
The Institute Web-site has been visited by approximately 2.2 million persons, more than 700,000 during 2002. "I think what your program does is what we in Australia should be doing on a much more regular basis." —Australian Teacher "I wish our local college could have such a resource." —Port Byron, NY Teacher |
An administrator from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst was “intrigued by the idea of choosing K-12 teacher participants . . . as a cross-section of their colleagues, and not by some arduous testing evaluation mechanism. It seems to me that this eliminates a major stumbling block, whereby teachers are forced to compete and assert their own superiority over their fellows in order to be part of an interesting project.” A theatre teacher from a playhouse in Alexandria, LA, said, “Your program and Web-site have made a remarkable impression on us. Your goal-oriented curriculum has inspired us in creating our own professional arts and education curriculum for our local playhouse.” A teacher of pregnant or parenting teenagers in Philadelphia was referred to the Web-site by a curriculum guide prepared by PBS for a feature program. A teacher in Yakima, WA, heard about the Web-site at an English Teachers Conference. And a researcher on diversity in higher education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education had recommended the curriculum units to primary school educators in New York City and Belmont, MA. Indeed, the curriculum units prepared by the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute have demonstrated their usefulness in many different ways for teachers in a wide range of subjects and with many different types of preparation. These comments will indicate the range: From a pre-service public school elementary teacher: “This site has been very helpful to me in preparing assignments and having a starting place for school projects.” From a teacher who runs an after-school program for girls: “Got to site through query to ASK.Com. Loved what I found in terms of drama curriculum ideas.” From a teacher in a comprehensive high school in Georgia: “Your Web-site has served as one of our best resources and we are grateful that you allow us access.” From an English Literature/AP teacher: “I thank you for sharing such excellent curriculum units.” From a teacher in Oregon who is learning how to use a university library: “Thank you for the great curriculum on using children’s lit to understand Latino culture and history.” From a teacher of family and consumer sciences: “Your teen program appears to have an excellent and realistic approach to enabling your students to become successful in all aspects of their lives.” |
The curriculum units prepared by the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute have demonstrated their usefulness in many different ways for teachers in a wide range of subjects and with many different types of preparation. |
And our “guestbook” also contains its share of delightful and heart-warming surprises, like these: From a university teacher: “This summer I am narrator/interpreter/naturalist on a river cruise boat. We have carried about a thousand school children this spring and summer. I’m working on a web page of annotated links to river-related sites. Your site is exactly what many teachers want and need. You’ve done a great job.” From an educator in a theological seminary: “Outstanding. I am looking for Native American prayers and poems to use in an ecumenical worship service. Many religious leaders probably could use your Web-site.” From an actress: “I was looking for information on Menander’s ‘The Grouch’ and the ABSOLUTE best site is yours. This curriculum unit will be invaluable to me in researching the role I am cast in at the New Jersey Shakespeare Festival.” From a teacher in Connecticut: “Your Web-site is very informative and contains many creative lesson plans. I am a new teacher and retired NYPD detective presently teaching criminal justice to alternative high school students.” From a teacher in New Haven: “I am currently a Fellow in the YNHTI. I surprise myself at the amount of time I still spend perusing the Web-site. This has been one of the most exciting educational opportunities I’ve had as a New Haven teacher.” And from a teacher in South Carolina: “My husband and I are considering a move to New Haven. The Institute sounds compelling.” |