District Content Standards – Grades 9-12
Teaching Connecticut Academic Performance Test Skills in High School Classrooms Contents | Reference Lists
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New Haven content and performance standards are outlined for each subject represented by curriculum units in this guide. Complete standards documents are available on the New Haven Public Schools website at www.nhps.com.
Content Standard 1.0 Communicate in art media, techniques and processes.
Performance Standards
Students should:
1.1 Understand and apply media, techniques and processes with skill, confidence and sensitivity.
1.2 Select and analyze what makes media, techniques and processes effective.
Content Standard 2.0 Principles of visual organization, structures and functions
Performance Standards
Students should:
2.1 Use knowledge of visual organization, structures and functions in each work of art.
2.2 Understand the function of expressive features and sensory qualities in art.
2.3 Work individually and in small groups to demonstrate principles of visual organization, structure and function.
Content Standard 3.0 Evaluate, critique and integrate art concepts
Performance Standards
Students should:
3.1 Choose, evaluate and critique a range of subject matter, symbols and ideas to communicate meaning.
3.2 Integrate visual, spatial and temporal concepts with content.
3.3 Apply evaluation, critiquing and integrating skills in daily life.
Content Standard 4.0 Historical and Cultural Relationships and Influences in Art Work
Performance Standards
Students should:
4.1 Understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures and be able to identify specific works.
4.2 Describe the functions of art in relation to history and cultures.
4.3 Expand verbally and in writing how history and culture influenced art works.
4.4 Express the contribution historical and cultural art work makes.
Content Standard 5.0 Critique and assessment of art work
Performance Standards
Students should:
5.1 Reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.
5.2 Through analysis, gain insight of the meaning, purpose, content and process of art works.
Content Standard 6.0 Interdisciplinary arts connections, cultural and historical correlations
Performance Standards
Students should:
6.1 Make connections between visual arts and other disciplines.
6.2 Compare and contrast characteristics of art within cultures, historical periods/styles, with ideas, issues or themes in the humanities and sciences.
Content Standard 7.0 Expanding artistic knowledge and resources
Performance Standards
Students should:
1.1 Use museums, galleries, the art community, libraries, etc. to expand knowledge beyond the classroom.
1.2 Experience the art community and resources for life-long learning and career options.
Content Standard 8.0 Participate in the display of art
Performance Standards
Students Should:
8.1 Engage in planning and selecting works for art exhibitions in schools and communities.
Content Standard 1.0 Communicate in languages other than English
Performance Standards
Students should:
1.1 Engage in conversation, obtain information, express feelings and opinions.
1.2 Understand and interpret written and spoken language.
1.3 Present information, concepts and ideas to listens/readers.
Content Standard 2.0 Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures
Performance Standards
Students should:
2.1 Understand traditions, practices and perspectives of another culture.
2.2 Understand the relationship between culture and what it produces.
Content Standard 3.0 Make connections with other disciplines and acquire information
Performance Standards
Students should:
3.1 Integrate foreign language study with other disciplines.
3.2 Use various sources to connect the foreign language class to the outside world.
Content Standard 4.0 Make comparisons among language and cultures to develop insight.
Performance Standards
Students should:
4.1 Understand the nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own language.
4.2 Understand the concept of culture through comparison of cultures.
Content Standard 5.0 Participate in multilingual communities and global societies
Performance Standards
Students should:
5.1 Use the language both in and outside of the school setting.
5.2 Show evidence of becoming lifelong learners by using language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Content Standard 1.0 Reading/Literature
Performance Standards
Students should:
1.1 Real a wide variety of genre including multicultural selections and demonstrate strategic reading skills before, during and after reading.
1.2 Participate in a wide variety of reading/literature experiences.
Content Standard 2.0 Writing
Performance Standards
Students should:
2.1 Demonstrate successful writing behaviors.
2.2 Demonstrate strategic writing skills before, during and after writing.
2.3 Participate in a variety of writing activities.
Content Standard 3.0 Speaking
Performance Standards
Students should:
3.1 Demonstrate strategic speaking skills before, during and after speaking.
3.2 Participate a variety of speaking experiences.
Content Standard 4.0 Listening
Performance Standards
Students should:
4.1 Demonstrate strategic listening skills before, during and after listening.
4.2 Participate in a variety of listening experiences.
Content Standard 5.0 Viewing
Performance Standard
Students should:
5.1 Demonstrate strategic viewing skills before, during and after viewing.
5.2 Participate in a variety of viewing experiences.
General Standards
Students will:
- Gather historical data from multiple sources.
- Recognize primary and secondary sources.
- Identify the main idea in a source of historical information.
- Identify and analyze the various causes and consequences of events.
- Write short narratives and statements presenting historical ideas.
- Demonstrate understanding through written, verbal, visual, musical and technological formats.
- Use the writing process to complete at least two (2) written pieces/research reports.
- Watch and analyze the news, documentaries; take a critical stand on current issues.
- Formulate questions and hypotheses from multiple perspectives, using multiple resources.
- Research and issue of interest and be able to take and defend a position on that issue.
- Read about and discuss current events.
Content Standards are listed online as follows:
1.0 Diversity
2.0 Civic/Democracy
3.0 Geography
4.0 Economics
5.0 History
Content Standard 1.0 Number concepts, arithmetic and operation concepts
Performance Standards
Students should:
1.1 Understanding and using binary and unary operations.
1.2 Understand and use number systems – natural, integer, rational and real.
1.3 Understand and use dimensions numbers – proportions, percents, measures of length, time.
1.4 Recognize and represent basic number patterns.
Content Standard 2.0 Geometry and measurement concepts
Performance Standards
Students should:
2.1 Work with many types of figures and their properties.
2.2 Use relationships between figures.
2.3 Recognize and characterize geometric patterns.
2.4 Understand the structure of standard measurement systems.
2.5 Carry out proportional reasoning.
2.6 Represent geometric curves and graph of functions.
2.7 Analyze geometric figures and use deductive methods.
2.8 Model situations geometrically to formulate and solve problems.
Content Standard 3.0 Function and algebra concepts
Performance Standards
Students should:
3.1 Recognize, use, describe, generalize basic types of functions.
3.2 Use linear and exponential sequences.
3.3 Solve equations and inequalities. Know the quadratic formula.
3.4 Be familiar with 2 by 2 matrices.
Content Standard 4.0 Statistics and probability concepts
Performance Standards
Students should:
4.1 Collect, organize, display and analyze single-variable data.
4.2 Collect, organize, display and analyze two-variable data.
4.3 Understand the role of assumptions and uncertainty.
4.4 Use theoretical probability.
4.5 Use experimental measures to arrive at relative frequencies.
Content Standard 5.0 Problem solving and mathematical reasoning
Performance Standards
Students should:
5.1 Solve problems using the solution process.
5.3 Participate in the formulation of problems.
5.4 Make basic choices involved in planning and carrying out a solution.
5.5 Provide closure to the solution process through conclusions/summary statements.
5.6 Make observations and state and justify results.
Content Standard 6.0 Mathematical skills and tools
Performance Standards
Students should:
6.1 Use mental computation, pencil and paper, and technological aids.
6.2 Know standard methods to solve basic problems and how to approach more complex problems.
6.3 Evaluate and analyze functions.
6.4 Create and interpret graphs.
6.5 Use basic geometric terminology and deduce information about basic geometric figures.
6.6 Make and use rough sketches/diagrams to enhance solutions.
Content Standard 7.0 Mathematical communication
Performance Standards
Students should:
7.1 Use basic mathematical vocabulary and symbols.
Content Standard 8.0 Putting mathematics to work
Performance Standards
Students should:
8.1 Conduct a data study.
8.2 Work with a mathematical model of a physical system or phenomenon.
8.3 Design a physical structure.
8.4 Conduct management and planning analysis.
8.5 Conduct pure mathematics investigation.
8.6 Research the history of a mathematical idea.
Content Standard 1.0 Science
Performance Standards
Students should:
1.1 Develop abilities to do scientific inquiry.
1.2 Develop basic understandings about scientific inquiry.
Content Standard 2.0 Physical Science
Performance Standards
Students should:
2.1 Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the structure of atoms.
2.2 Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the structure & properties of matter.
2.3 Demonstrate a basic understanding of chemical reactions.
2.4 Understand basic principles on motions and forces.
2.5 Comprehend the physical law of conservation of energy and increase in disorder.
2.6 Recognize examples of interaction of energy and matter.
Content Standard 3.0 Life Science
Performance Standards
Students should:
3.1 Demonstrate familiarity with the cellular composition of life.
3.2 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the molecular basis of heredity.
3.3 Be familiar with the reality of biological evolution.
3.4 Recognize the interdependence of living organisms.
3.5 Demonstrate a basic understanding of matter, energy, and organization in living systems.
3.6 Develop awareness of the behavior of organisms.
Content Standard 4.0 Earth Science
Performance Standards
Students should:
4.1 Develop a basic understanding of energy in the earth system.
4.2 Develop awareness of the Earth’s major geochemical cycles.
4.3 Develop understanding of the origin and evolution of the earth system.
4.4 Develop understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe.
Content Standard 5.0 Technological Science
Performance Standards
Students should:
5.1 Demonstrate abilities of technological design.
5.3 Possess understanding about science and technology.
Content Standard 6.0 Ecology
Performance Standards
Students should:
6.1 Develop an understanding of and familiarity with personal and community health.
6.2 Develop an understanding of population growth.
6.3 Develop an understanding of natural resources.
6.4 Develop an understanding of environmental quality.
6.5 Be aware of natural and human-induced hazards.
6.6 Develop awareness of the roles of science and technology in local, national and global change.
Content Standard 7.0 History and nature of science
Performance Standards
Students should:
7.1 View science as a human endeavor.
7.2 Understand the nature of scientific knowledge.
7.3 Develop familiarity with historical perspectives.
Content Standard 1.0 Dramatic script writing and improvisation
Performance Standards
Students should:
1.1 Write, plan and record improvisations.
1.2 Create script scenes and write large scripts.
Content Standard 2.0 Acting and interacting
Performance Standards
Students should:
2.1 Develop acting skills.
2.2 Sustain characters in improvisations, informal and formal productions.
Content Standard 3.0 Designing and producing dramas
Performance Standards
Students should:
3.1 Construct dramatic set designs.
3.2 Advance to designing full scale informal or formal productions by conceptualizing and realizing interpretations.
Content Standard 4.0 Directing and organizing drama
Performance Standards
Students should:
4.1 Plan and direct classroom dramatizations.
4.2 Organize class rehearsals.
4.3 Advance in the ability to interpret dramatic texts.
4.4 Organize and conduct rehearsals for informal or formal productions.
Content Standard 5.0 Research of cultural and historical sources
Performance Standards
Students should:
5.1 Find information to support classroom dramatizations.
5.2 Use cultural and historical data to enhance play writing and interpretation of scripted scenes.
5.2 Evaluate and synthesize information to support artistic choices.
Content Standard 6.0 Compare and connect arts forms and interdisciplinary themes
Performance Standards
Students should:
6.1 Express and compare ideas of drama with other art forms and themes in other studies.
6.2 Integrate art forms by describing and analyzing methods of presentation.
6.3 Basic interdisciplinary projects upon themes within the humanities and sciences.
Content Standards 7.0 Role of drama/theater in the past and present
Performance Standards
Students should:
7.1 Recognize and analyze the role of theater in daily life in the past and present.
7.2 Recognize and analyze the role of theater in the community in the past and present.
7.3 Recognize and analyze the role of theater in other cultures in the past and present.
© 2002 by the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute