Preface to High School Reference List


Teaching Connecticut Academic Performance Test Skills in High School Classrooms Contents | Reference Lists

This Reference List of Yale-New Haven Teacher Institute curriculum units should prove valuable to high school teachers for several reasons.

First, it makes the search for practical ideas for classroom plans a relatively easy task. The author of the Reference List, Lisa Galullo, then a teacher at Career High School, has arranged units by discipline and by topic so that a visual arts teacher, for example, who wants to supplement his or her painting unit with facts from the Harlem Renaissance can locate a corresponding unit quickly.

Second, the present document provides helpful summary comments to guide the teacher. Ms. Galullo has read each of the units listed and offers her concise analysis of the unit’s contents. This means that a history teacher should be able to perceive quickly whether a particular unit on Civil Rights, for example, meets his or her specific needs.

Third, the document that follows lists specific student skills addressed in each unit. The freshman English teacher whose students need practice in reading for main ideas, for example, can quickly identify whether there are any Autobiography units that target the skills that his or her students require.

The listed units should be useful for high school teachers at all grade levels. The author of the guide identifies critical skills which are necessary for upperclassmen, as well as to ninth and tenth graders who are preparing for the statewide CAPT exam.

Finally, this Reference List has been thoughtfully and carefully prepared by a teacher who understands the curricular needs and time demands on teachers. I believe it will provide high school teachers with an excellent means to help them to locate quality lessons that are specific to their needs. To teachers who are often overwhelmed by demands to create meaningful lesson plans that meet district and state standards, my word to you, relative to this document is: “Help is on the way!”

High School and Middle School teachers looking for CAPT-related lessons with literacy skills for Curriculum Units up to the year 1999, will find this Reference List not only useful but a huge time saver. A history teacher, for example, would open the Index, flip to the history section, locate the unit title or titles that relate to his or her lesson plan, and quickly reference the particular CAPT skills or literacy skillsemphasized in the Yale unit. Then, by going online to the Institute web site, he or she would type in the six-digit unit ID number (year,volume and unit number) and print the unit materials desired. All this from the convenience of the teacher's personal computer!

Presently Institute Centers for Curriculum and Professional Development are located at the following five Center High Schools: Career, Cooperative, Wilbur Cross, James Hillhouse, and the Sound School. All of the Institute's curricular resources in printed form are located in these Centers, as well as in school libraries city-wide.

Peter Herndon
Cooperative Arts and Humanities
High School Center Coordinator and
History Teacher

New Haven
June 2001

© 2002 by the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute