About the Authors
Roland S. Barth was the founding director of the Principals' Center and senior lecturer on education at Harvard University.
William Dandridge is the Dean of the School of Education at Lesley College in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Foster B. Gibbs is the Superintendent of Schools in Saginaw, Michigan.
Kati Haycock is the Director, Education Trust, at the American Association for Higher Education.
Carol Keck is a fifthgrade teacher and Mentor in the Career Development Program at Albuquerque Public Schools.
Arthur Levine is the President of Teachers College, Columbia University.
Gene I. Maeroff is a Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of reaching.
Deborah Meier is the Co-Director of the Coalition Campus Project in New York.
Sherry H. Penney is the Chancellor of the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Thomas E. Persing is the Executive Director of the Suburban School Study Council in Pennsylvania.
Jay L. Robinson is Professor of English Language and Literature and Director of the Center for Educational Improvement through Collaboration at the University of Michigan.
Edmund G. Ryan is Special Assistant to the President at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York.
Sophie Sa is Executive Director at Panasonic Foundation in Secaucus, New Jersey.
Charles S. Serns is the principal of Hubert Humphrey Elementary School in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Suzanne SooHoo teaches Education at Chapman University in Orange, California.
Linda Tripp and Ann Claunch are Clinical Supervisors at the Albuquerque Public Schools/University of New Mexico Career Development Program.