On Common Ground
Currently Available Issues:
- Number 1, Fall 1993
- Number 2, Summer 1994
- Number 3, Fall 1994
- Number 4, Spring 1995
- Number 5, Fall 1995
- Number 6, Spring 1996
- Number 7, Fall 1996
- Number 8, Winter 1998
- Number 9, Fall 2001
On Common Ground is published two or three times a year by the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute, with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. It is concerned with the development of teachers and of their curricula through school-university partnerships. Its title, which derives from that of the first book on the Institute's work, Teaching in America: The Common Ground, is intended to suggest that university and school teachers across the country have a strong mutual interest in the improvement of teaching and learning in schools. The periodical focuses on the issues that have arisen and continue to arise in university-school partnerships of many kinds throughout the United States.
The circulation of the periodical is over 12,000 nationwide and includes the following, in addition to numerous teachers and administrators at Yale University and in the New Haven Public Schools: the Chief State School Officers; superintendents of school districts enrolling 5,000 or more students; all college and university presidents and chancellors and chief academic officers; deans and directors of education, continuing education, and graduate programs at four-year institutions; directors of community services and governmental relations at four-year institutions; heads of many corporations, foundations, and professional organizations involved in education reform; education policy makers at both the federal and state levels; members of the print and broadcast media who cover education; and a growing list of individuals who have asked to receive it. The periodical is mailed also to individuals in schools and colleges across the country with whom the Institute has worked since the inception of its dis semination activities in the early 1980s.
Each number of On Common Ground has a topical focus, developed in one or more lead essays, and also deals more briefly with other matters of current interest. Number 1 featured an essay by Secretary of Education Richard Riley on "The Emerging Role of Professional Development in Education Reform." Number 2 featured an essay by Vito Perrone on the historical context of school-university collaboration. Number 3 featured an essay by Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor, on the role of partnerships in "Creating New Paths to the Middle Class." Number 4 was devoted to "Partnerships in Science and Technology" and Number 5 to "Partnership and the Arts." Number 6 (Spring 1996) concerns "Educational Organization and Change." Others who have written articles for previous or future numbers of On Common Ground include: Bruce M. Alberts, Roland S. Barth, Ernest L. Boyer, Lauro F. Cavazos, Terry Knecht Dozier, Elliot Eisner, Thomas Furtado, James Gray, Kati Haycock, James Herbert, Arthur Levine, Gene I. Maeroff, Deborah Meier, John Merrow, Thomas W. Payzant, Sherry H. Penney, Jay L. Robinson, Sophie Sa, Charles S. Serns, and Suzanne SooHoo. Until his death in 1995, Fred M. Hechinger contributed a regular column "On Partnership."