Center Policies and Procedures
Centers for Curriculum and Professional Development Contents
Contents of section:
- Institute Center Coordinator's Role
- Center Access
- Use of the Center Computer
- Use of the Center Resources
- Institute Property/Inventory
- Authorization Request Form
To ensure that Institute Centers are used to their fullest potential, teachers instrumental in the development of the Centers have established the following Policies and Procedures. Teachers who wish to use the Center agree to abide by these policies. Modifications can be suggested to the teachers who coordinate Center activities at your school and must be approved by the teachers who serve on the Institute Steering Committee.
Adopted on: 2/19/1996 (last revised 02/06/2002)
Institute Center Coordinator's Role
Center Coordinators are selected annually by the Institute Director and serve for the period from January through the following December. The Center Coordinator forms and leads the Center Coordinating Team, and has primary responsibility for the operation of the Institute Center in his or her school. With the Team’s assistance, the Coordinator carries out the Center Academic Plan, submitted initially with the Center Application and then yearly resubmitted, reviewed, and renewed. The Center Coordinators work closely with the Institute Steering Committee. A Center Coordinator must be, and must intend to continue as, a full-time teacher in the Center school. By agreeing to serve as a Center Coordinator, a teacher accepts the following responsibilities:
1. To carry out the approved Academic Plan for the Center in his or her own school.
2. To encourage teachers to see the Institute Center as designed to meet their needs, and to take advantage of its curricular and other resources in printed and electronic form. To serve as a source of information about the Center to teachers—including both those who have and who have not been Institute Fellows—by disseminating information about the resources and activities of the Center, answering Center-related questions, and encouraging all teachers in the school to become familiar with the Center Policies and Procedures.
3. To form, chair, and encourage participation on a Team of teachers (and administrators) who lead the Center’s work.
4. As Coordinating Team leader, to approve, if appropriate, the requests teachers make to use the Center computer and other resources.
5. To approve, monitor, and report on the expenditure of Institute Center funds.
6. To monitor the progress of the Center through observation and conversation with participants, and to arrange or make presentations at semi-annual Center Forums.
7. To collaborate with other Center Coordinators and the Steering Committee on the development of Centers, the fulfillment of the Center Academic Plans, and, as may be necessary, the revision of the Center Policies and Procedures.
8. To meet and communicate with the Institute Center Steering Committee liaison on a frequent basis to discuss the status of the Center and plan Center activities. (The meetings will typically take place in the Center itself.)
9. To establish a good working relationship with building-level administrators to keep them up-to-date on Institute participants, activities, materials, and services—and to solicit their advice and assistance.
10. To maintain an accurate and complete Center Log and records; to prepare a semi-annual progress report of all Center activities, detailing how these activities have advanced the Center Academic Plan; and to prepare an annual application for Center renewal.
11. To uphold and, when possible, improve the dignity of the Center space by arranging for its physical maintenance and by preserving the condition of the printed Center resources, the Center furniture, and the Center computer, quickly notifying the Institute Steering Committee Liaison or Associate Director, as appropriate, when problems arise.
12. To attend and come prepared to at least one meeting each semester with the Steering Committee and Director to organize the Centers’ work and to plan the semi-annual Forum and other events involving all Centers.
13. To participate as an Institute Fellow during the year while serving as a Center Coordinator.
1. Teacher Eligibility: All teachers are encouraged to use the Institute resources located in the Center, regardless of their past or present involvement with the Teachers Institute.
2. Student Use: Although Centers are intended primarily for use by teachers, students may use the Center when two conditions are met: (a) the students are under the close and constant supervision of a teacher; and (b) student time in the Center has been scheduled in advance and does not displace or interfere with teachers’ use. In all cases, teachers have priority over students using Center resources.
3. Center Hours: To be determined by the school’s Center Coordinating Team.
4. Center Access: To be determined by the school’s Center Coordinating Team.
5. Documenting Center Use: For reports to funders and other purposes, the Center is required to maintain accurate records of the Center’s use. Each person who utilizes the Center must document his or her activities by completing a simple entry in the Center Log.
6. Scheduling Center Use: To be determined by the school’s Center Coordinating Team.
1. Authorized Users: Each school establishes a procedure whereby the Center Coordinating Team authorizes teachers or other school staff to use the Center computer. This authorization is provided to the Institute on the appropriate form (a sample appears in section F) so that the individual may be provided a login name and password. Authorization to use the Center computer must be renewed each school year.
2. E-mail Account: Institute Fellows and all teachers who are authorized Center computer users will have access to the Center’s group e-mail account. All Center users may obtain assistance with e-mail from the Institute Computer Assistants.
3. Training: Before using the Center computer, it is recommended that a teacher first attend a workshop conducted or arranged by the Institute. This will increase the likelihood that the Center computer will remain functional for everyone. Check with the Center Coordinating Team for a workshop schedule, or contact the Institute Computer Assistant by phone (432-1097) or e-mail (
4. No Unauthorized Addition to or Reconfiguration of Software: Only the Institute computer system administrator can add new software or change the configuration of existing software on the Center computer. No individual folders are allowed on the computer’s hard drive. Documents must be saved on floppy disks.
5. No Personal Use of the Center Computer: The Center is intended as a place where teachers can research and develop new classroom curricula. The Center computer is not to be used for purposes outside this domain. Personal use of the Center computer is prohibited.
6. Time Limits: Even though there is no rate-charge for using the Internet account on the Center computer, please limit your time on the Center computer if demand to use it is high.
7. Computer Maintenance: If a problem arises with the Center computer, a teacher should first contact the teachers in charge of overseeing Center activities. If these teachers are not available, he or she should contact the Institute Computer Assistant.
1. Signing-Out Materials: To be established by each school.
1. The Center furnishings and computer remain the property of the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute and should not be modified in any way.
Inventory of Resources Provided by the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute
School Name:__________________________________________Date ____________
Where will Institute Center property be securely stored during the summer recess?
What is the name and phone number of an individual who can provide the Institute access to this
location, if necessary, during the summer? ___________________________________________
(Please check each item currently located in your Center.)
_______Center table with logo disk
_______Center bookcase
_______Center banners (2)
_______Computer with high-speed modem, monitor, mouse, keyboard, dust covers
_______Software (Windows NT, MS Word , Netscape, Eudora Pro, Excel, Norton Antivirus)
_______Yale PPP account
_______Security cable and lock
_______Surge protector
_______Mouse pad
_______Diskettes and box
_______Phone (with line provided by the school)
Publications and Videos
_______Complete set of curriculum unit volumes, 1978-2003
_______Complete set of curriculum unit guides, 1978-2003 (in 3-ring binder)
_______Curriculum Unit Index, 2003
_______Back issues of On Common Ground (9 issues)
_______Center Booklets
_______Institute publications: Teaching in America, Teaching in New Haven
_______Institute videos (“Teaching On Common Ground,” “Excellence in Teaching”)
_______Institute annual brochure
Center Reference Material and Supplies
_______Center Manual (containing help documents)
_______Center Log binder
_______Institute Center poster
_______Plastic document holders
_______Metal bookends
Completed by: _____________________________________ Date: __________________
(school name)
I apply to be given a login name and password to use the Institute Center computer in my school for the
purpose described below. I have read and agree to abide by the Policies and Procedures governing the
computer’s use.
Purpose of computer use:______________________________________________________
Home address:______________________________________________________________
E-mail Address:______________________________________________________________
Signature____________________________________________ Date___________________
The Center Coordinating Team has approved access to the Center computer for the above individual.
Center Coordinator_____________________________________ Date___________________
© 2004 by the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute