This unit is actually an experiment in the development of a new form of curriculum that would fuse both cognitive and affective objectives in logical and useful ways. This “fusion” model is then applied to the study of economics; the process would help students to think like economists through the mastery of basic economic concepts and the application of these ideas to current economic problems. The “Economics Outline” is divided into parallel lists: one for cognitive objectives, and one for affective. The outline is made up of sixteen “chapters” that cover information ranging from economic theory to current American fiscal policy. The three lesson plans illustrate how the fusion curriculum works. Each lesson illustrates how one of three economic systems (traditional, command, and market) answers the following basic questions: a) What is produced? b) How much is produced? c) For whom was it produced? d) Who needs it?
(Designed as a one-semester elective course for High School students studying U.S. History)
Key Words
American Economics