This unit has been developed for students who read three to four years below level and who are limited in their creative writing abilities. The early assignments in this unit consist of “A Brief History of the City and New Haven” and short poems that relate to life in the city. These assignments are intentionally short so as to entice the students to become involved in the reading and discussions without feeling inundated with work. However, as the unit progresses, the students will read plays and prose that will require them to pay close attention to details. The students will also become involved with creative writing after they have scrutinized many photographs and slides.
The objective of this unit is to encourage “turned off” students who read three to four years below level to produce urban literature. The above strategies will provide incentive for the students. The reading selections will give the students ideas on what they can write about.
This unit is intended to cover a 6 to 8 week period. Following each reading selection, the students will be required to spell a prepared list of terms with 100% accuracy. The students will also have to use these words in sentences as they relate to the context. After each reading the students will be required to answer comprehension questions and produce some creative writing. They will also be required to do some library research.
(Recommended for 11th grade Developmental English.)
Key Words
Urban Life New Haven Connecticut Family