Henry A. Rhodes
There were two major objectives I wished to accomplish with my unit. First, I discussed the factors that prompted Lincoln to draft the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863. A discussion devoted to Lincoln’s personality, life, and environment in which he was born and raised occurs in this part of my paper. This section also includes Lincoln’s social and political beliefs as they pertained to slavery and race in the United States. In my research I discovered that some of the people who played an important role in emancipating the slave harbored some of the commonly held prejudices of the time against the Negro. I also deal with the issue of how racism could coexist with the drive for emancipation.
The second major objective of my unit was to examine the role played by the Radical Republicans during the Lincoln presidency. Who these Radical Republicans were and how they interacted with Mr. Lincoln will be focused on in my unit. I hope that, when students finish this unit, they will come to the conclusion that racist attitudes can be changed, but it is a slow and arduous process in which they can play an active role.
(Recommended for Social Studies classes, grade 8, and American History classes, grades 9 through 12)
Key Words
Lincoln Presidency Slavery Afro-Americans History Emancipation Proclamation American Abraham Race Relations