Barbara W. Coles Trader
Statistical drug data is addressed in the unit for the middle and high school grades. The adolescents will learn about narcotics, abuse, addiction, statistics and the threat of diseases, death; and, how to program themselves against using drugs abusively. The synonyms for the various drugs and problem solving within the “classroom world” for the “outside world” are also addressed.
The causes of drug abuse among adolescents are disturbing, because studies reveal that the adolescents are seeking where they fit in their society. When adolescents have difficulty meeting society’s demands, they have their own internal demands to confront. It has been revealed through research that the need to relieve these tensions can result in drug experimentation. Therefore, the unit has information that includes objective information about all types of drugs and their effects on the body. The intervention includes assistance and support to adolescents during critical periods of their lives through counseling, the use of hot-lines and the like. The alternate program suggests promoting confidence, self-reliance, challenging experiences of success in school, restoration projects, volunteer services and helping such causes as environment preservation in the community.
The drug data and statistical lessons that are included in the “educational setting” for the students are as follows:
Statistical surveys and strategies that can be utilized with adolescents when searching for “competence and power”; group discussions, brainstorming and role playing techniques to help the students improve their ability to cope and make decisions.
Clarifying values and improving critical thinking skills within a structured setting through lessons of descriptive statistics—organizing and utilizing drug abuse data; samples including the “answers” such as illustrations for various types of data; situations where the mode/range and/or mean of a set of data is utilized; designs of frequency tables; displays of the stem-and-leaf technique; 120 & correlation coefficient: Raw Score Method (Suggestion: use for “pre-algebra” and above classes only). It has been suggested to include the study of graphs, decimals, percentages and fractional skills. Additional teaching suggestions and student practice work of statistical abstract are included for the middle school grades and above.
“Humanizing Learning and Statistical Concepts” are to facilitate the effective integration of affect and cognition. In conclusion, the primary aims of this unit are to enhance the students’ interpersonal skills; to achieve greater initiative; to sharpen perceptions of self and others; to be more self-directive in resolving personal life problems without abusing our bodies with drugs.
(Recommended for Applied Math classes, grades 6 through 9; Pre-Algebra classes, grades 7 through 9; Reading and Research and Study Skills classes, grades 6 through 9; and Counseling, Health and Nutrition, and Social Work, grades 5 through 12)
Key Words
American Adolescent Drug Abuse