This curriculum unit is designed to explain the life of the adolescent from two perspectives. Once viewed, the adult will be able to understand the reasoning behind the child’s sudden changes in behavior. In turn, they will be more readily available to offer help to youth during this phase of life when adolescents are attempting to identify and formulate their self-image, values, and ideals along with gaining independence from their parents of guardians.
This curriculum unit is geared towards the middle school grades of 6-8, where most children enter adolescence. For students to take full advantage of the information included in the unit, three to four weeks should be set aside to teach the unit in its entirety.
The lesson plans at the end of the physiological portion of paper will focus on the biological occurrences in the adolescent’s life. Even though the vocabulary may appear to be difficult, involvement and interest in the unit of study. After using the lesson plans supplied at the end of the unit the students should attain the following objectives:
(1) Identify, using a diagram, the body parts directly related to reproduction.
(2) Differentiate between primary and secondary sexual characteristics. (3)
Identify, using proper terminology, the body parts directly related to reproduction.
(4) Place the steps involved in adolescent sexual maturation in sequential order.
(5) Describe the function of reproductive organs in both males and females.
The lesson plans at the end of the psychological section of the paper will provide the students with activities that will help them to focus on establishing their identity and evaluate their personalities. Through the information provided in the text and worksheets provided in the lesson plan section, the student will:
(1) Explore occupations, and discuss the role of academics in relationship to their aspiring vocations.
(2) Perform activities to define their identity and personalities.
(3) Perform activities to establish their values and strengthen decision-making skills.
(4) Discuss Kohlberg’s theory of Moral Reasoning.
(5) Discuss Piaget’s theory of Cognitive Development.
(Recommended for Science, grades 6-10)
Key Words
American Adolescence Cognitive Function Psychological Development Psychology