Footsteps to Liberty: A Journal Journey ( Footsteps ) is an interdisciplinary unit composed of six components: Symbol of Liberty Expression of Freedom; Steps to Liberty History of Immigration; Process to Liberty Procedures for Immigration; Steps to Assimilation Relocation in a New Land; Recent Steps to Liberty Experiences of Today’s Immigrants to America; and Promise of Liberty Assurance and Attainment of the Promise Today. Procedures, steps taken in the immigration process plus actual field trips, learning experiences involving pretend journeys to relocation taking “footsteps” to liberty will be employed.
Journal writing will be a major aspect of this unit. Observations will be recorded throughout the duration, documenting the experiences and discoveries, real and imaginary, of Footsteps.
The TAG K-3 Program’s central theme for the 1996-1997 school year will be Native Americans. Footsteps will combine the meaning of immigration, contemporary attitudes toward immigration and the experiences of recent immigrants with the Native American TAG curriculum. This unit will require eighteen sessions. As a teaching guide for the self-contained classroom it could be accomplished in four weeks. The TAG Program, conducted on a weekly basis, will require four months.
(Recommended for Interdisciplinary, grades 1-6)