Alan K. Frishman
This curriculum unit is designed for high school history / social studies classes, especially U.S. History 1 and 2 and Advanced Placement U.S. History. Specifically, this unit was created to help students prepare for the integrated task component of the Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT) and will be the curricular centerpiece of a state-funded Saturday program, CAPTAIN [CAPT Achievement in New Haven].
CAPTAIN’s general goals reflect those of the Interdistrict Cooperative Grant Program: to enhance student achievement and to bring together diverse groups of young people.
The classroom activities in this unit include the following:
1. Continuum process: Clarifying students’ values and demonstrating their flexibility to new ideas and their ability to listen to others.
2. What is the first thing you notice when you see a new person? An opportunity to bring students’ cultural assumptions to their consciousness.
3. What are you? Students are asked to consider what actually makes a culture.
4. Exploring racial stereotypes: An exploration and discussion of commonly-held beliefs and misconceptions.
5. They are not like us: An exercise that puts the fear of “the other” into a historical perspective.
(Recommended for U.S. History and Advanced Placement History, grades 10-12)