This unit is about the Great Depression under President Herbert Clark Hoover's administration.
Under Hoover's administration with his rugged individualism he felt that if people turned to the government, however justified in time of war, if it continued in peace time it would not only destroy the system but with it progress and freedom. He also felt that the control of government in business would affect the daily lives of each individual and it would impair the basis of liberty and freedom.
It also contain information on the New Deal under Franklin Dillon Roosevelt's administration.
Roosevelt believed that the greatest primary task was to put people to work, and it was not an unsolvable problem if faced wisely and courageously. He also believed that it could be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the government. He advised treating the task with the emergency of a war, but at the same time, using employment instead of armed forces to stimulate the use of natural resources accomplishing greatly needed projects. He then suggested national planning and supervision of all forms of transportation, communications and other utilities which had definite public character. Also he thought to implement the strict supervision of banking, credit, investments, and the provision for adequate but sound currency.