The main objective of this unit is to help children celebrate the achievements of individuals of different ethnic groups by focusing on the contributions made in the fields of music, sports, science, etc. The basis of this unite lies in a language-based program. The literature utilized in this unit consists mainly but not exclusively of non-fictional selections. The interdisciplinary approach will include reading, science, art, writing, and some physical activities. The emphasis here is not on the recall of facts but on exposure to the accomplishments of individuals of various ethnic and cultural groups.
Through a rich selection of literature about persons of various ethnic and cultural groups, the children will learn about those who have made a positive contribution to society. The main groups presented in this unit include African-American, Japanese-American, Latino/Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans. These persons have been chosen from the past and the present.
The unit, “Who's Who in America: Multicultural Achievers A to Z: Past and Present,” provides the children with the opportunity to read about the dreams, aspirations, and goals of people who were once children like themselves. Through the study of this unit, the children will learn of the disappointments, hardships, and difficulties that these people faced and overcame. Knowing that others have passed this way before them can only serve as a motivator as the children see themselves reflected in literature.