Joanne R. Pompano
Art is an important but often challenging subject for blind and visually impaired students. However, the absence or restriction of sight should not limit individuals in their study and enjoyment of the arts. Instead students should be provided with a variety of experiences to make art interesting and meaningful. This curriculum will explore the many obstacles visually handicapped individuals encounter as they try to understand and enjoy art and explore ways to circumvent or overcome these impediments.
Developed for students in middle and high school, this unit will assist visually impaired and blind students in their efforts to explore, analyze, and enjoy all types of art. In addition, this curriculum will assist teachers in modifying lessons and providing experiences that will allow visually impaired students to use their remaining senses to gain information about art. It may also be of benefit to art museums aiding handicapped students in their effort to experience art in alternate ways.
This curriculum will:
1. assist blind and visually impaired students in understanding and enjoying art and art museums
2. provide information and suggestions to teachers so they can help blind and visually impaired students enjoy art and art museums
3. compare two periods of American art through Pre-Revolutionary furniture design with Post-Revolutionary pieces, by using the techniques and modifications outlined in the curriculum
4. provide an approach that to art includes more than the visual or physical components of a piece. Instead this curriculum will look at the culture, history, social and political aspects of the artwork
(Developed for Life Skills for the Blind, grades 6-12; recommended for Life Skills for the Blind, History, and Art, grades 6-12)