This unit is intended to show the risks of contracting foodborne diseases and ways of reducing the odds of contracting this type of disease. The unit also is intended to give the student direction selecting a Science Fair Project involving food safety. Suggestions are made where Science Education for Public Understanding Program (SEPUP) lessons can be incorporated for the investigation so the project can meet the standards to become a Science Fair Project instead of just a research paper. A Science Fair Project is preferred to a research paper as a project will receive more exposure. Several adults will judge the project and all students will have an opportunity to view the project when it is on display.
There are a variety of ways a student may approach his/her topic. The student may investigate various topics on risks and risk reductions, food handling and/or consumption. Again, SEPUP activities may be used to meet the criteria for a Science Fair Project.
Most of the information in the unit deals with the problem of pesticides. Because of the way the amount of pesticides are deemed safe for human consumption, it is very important for people to become aware of the dangers and the alternatives that are available to them.
By encouraging students to investigate this problem of pesticide use, an interesting, timely topic can be explored and developed.
(Developed for Science Fair, grades 6-8; recommended for Life Science, grades 6-8)