This unit is a basic anatomy unit for upper-elementary-school students. It can be used for grades three through five. The unit begins with an overview of some of the most prevalent health problems experienced today, including diabetes, heart disease and stress-related health problems. There is an overview of basic anatomy including bones, muscles, circulatory system, digestive system, endocrine system and immune system. All of the overview information is written in language that is easily understood by elementary students.
The lessons include a relaxation-response breathing exercise and a heart-rate exercise which incorporates the relaxation-response lesson. There is also a hands-on paper maché project that teaches students the inner structure of bones. All lessons are intended to be teacher directed with students keeping notes, data, charts, lesson reflections and drawings in an interactive science notebook. Links for interactive notebooks, Science Inquiry Standards, a supplementary reading list and some inspirational fitness videos for kids are included in the appendices.
(Developed for Science, grade 5; recommended for Science and Health, grades 3-5)