Babbitt, N. “Learning the Language.”
Language Arts
, 54 (November/ December 1977), pp. 953-61.
Baker, William D. and T. Benson Strandness.
The Experience of Writing
. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1958.
Bellafiore, Joseph.
Review Text in English Language Arts
. New York; Amsco School Publications, Inc., 1958. Excellent grammar book for slower students; contains many useful exercises.
Brown, T. G. “On Emphasizing Syntax.”
The Modern Language Journal
, 55 (May 1971), pp. 271-6.
Colton, Robert G., et al.
Living Your English
Grade 10
. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1964.
Di Pippo, Albert E.
From Sentence to Paragraph
. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966.
Dixson, Robert J.
Graded Exercises in English
. New York: Regents Publishing Co., Inc., 1959. Intended as a grammar for students of English as a foreign language, this book nevertheless has some excellent exercises for students in a course on basic skills.
Dulay, H. C., and M. K. Burt. “Should We Teach Children Syntax?”
Language Learning
, 23(December 1973), pp. 245-58.
Elliott, Fred T.
Language Is You
A Basic Skills Program
Book I
, Addison-Wesley, 1977. This workbook would be a good supplementary grammar text for more advanced exercises.
Furbush, Polly and Elizabeth Ross. “Thirty Lessons to Develop Skill in Outlining.” Boston University, 1961. A good series of outlining exercises.
Gordon, Edward J., et al.
A Programmed Approach to Writing
Book Two
. Massachusetts: Ginn and Company, 1973.
Guth, Hans P., and Brian K. McLaughlin.
A Text-Workbook for
Language and Composition
. McGraw-Hill, Levels 9-12, 1971. This workbook covers such areas as prefixes, suffixes, connotation, figurative language, sentence patterns, clauses, and verbals.
Howard, Margaret, ed. “Getting Together: Problems You Face.” Scholastic Magazines, Inc., 1971. This is a complete kit for poor readers on a secondary level.
Johns, J. L. “Dolch Basic Sight Vocabulary; A Replication and Validation Study.”
The Elementary School Journal
, 78 (September 1977), pp. 31-7.
Karls, John B. and Ronald Szymanki.
The Writer’s Handbook
. New York: Laidlaw Brothers, 1975.
Kevorkian, J. C. “Stick Reading for Spelling Patterns.”
The Reading Teacher
, 31 (November 1977), pp. 154-9.
Lance, D. M. “What Is Grammar?”
English Education
, 9 (Fall 1977), pp. 43-9.
Leahy, William, ed.
Fundamentals of Grammar
. Chicago: Kenneth Publishing Co., 1971. Good basic rule book but has no class exercises. Might be ordered as required text; about 35c a copy,
Levin, Beatrice Jackson.
Real Life Reading Skills
A Scholastic Program in Functional Literacy
. Scholastic Book Services, 1977. This is a workbook consisting of such skills as Following Directions, Completing Job Applications, Interpreting Timetables and Graphs, Answering Ads, Reading Newspapers, Ordering Merchandise by Mail, etc. There are overlays and dittoes available.
Mason, J. M. “Refining Phonics for Teaching Beginners Reading.”
The Reading Teacher
, 31 (November 1977), pp. 179-84.
Morgan, Fred.
Here and Now
An Approach to Writing through Perception
. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1968.
Nunan, Desmond J. and Philip McFarland.
Models and Exercises
Grade 8
. Ed. John E. Warriner. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1971.
Richards, I. A. “Why Generative Grammar Does Not He1p.”
Teaching Journal
, 22 (October 1967-January 1968), pp. 3-9.
Smith, Ellen and Leona McAnulty.
Essentials in English
Second Book
Laboratory Method
. Wichita, Kansas: The McCormick-Mathers Publishing Co., 1958.
Twaddell, F. “Some Grammatical Ghosts.”
The Modern Language Journal
, 56 (February 1972), pp. 69-73.
Waddell, Marie L., et al.
The Art of Styling Sentences
. New York: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 1972.
Weingartner, C. “Getting to Some Basics That the Back-to-Basics Movement Doesn’t Get To.”
English Journal
, 66 (October 1977), pp. 39-44.
Wolfe, Don M.
Creative Ways to Teach English Grades 7 to 12
. New York.: The Odyssey Press Inc., 1958. An excellent book for teachers of both grammar and literature.