Teacher and Student Bibliography
*Beals, Carleton.
Our Yankee Heritage
The Making of Greater New Haven
Beers, Frederick, and others.
Atlas of New Haven County
(New York, 1868). Available at Sterling Library, Yale University.
*Brown, Elizabeth Mills.
New Haven
A Guide to Architecture and Urban Design
Dana, Arnold Guyot.
The Dana Collection
. Located at the New Haven Colony Historical Society (microfilm).
Jerome, Jennie. Interview. Past New Haven Arts Librarian. July, 1979. Available through personal contact; see New Haven phone directory.
Journal Courier
, December 8, 1977. “Focus: The Westville Neighborhood.”
Keyarts, Eugene.
Short Walks in Connecticut
, Volume I. The Pequot Press (1968).
Koch, Robert.
New Haven Colony
, Volume 14. December 1964, Number 4. New Haven Colony Historical Society.
*Marvel, Ik.
Dream Life
. Located at the Mitchell Library, Westville, Connecticut.
*Marvel, Ik.
Reveries of a Bachelor
. Located at the Mitchell Library, Westville, Connecticut.
Michaelson, Leonard Jr. Interview. Past Secretary of the Joseph Parker & Son Co., in Westville. June, 1979. Available through personal contact; see New Haven phone directory.
*Mitchell, Donald.
My Farm at Edgewood
. Located at the Mitchell Library, Westville, Connecticut.
New Haven Register
. December 8, 1977, p. 4. Westville Section.
Newton, J.T.
. Extracts from oral history, 1906. New Haven Colony Historical Society.
*Osterweis, Rollin G.
Three Centuries of New Haven
. (1953).
*Welch, John Frances.
The Pond Lily Company
The Story of One American Business
. (1971). (30 copies are available for use from Sheridan Middle School).