David A. Cicarella
Science is clearly a broad area of study. It can be divided and those divisions subdivided once again. The disciplines of plant and animal ecology, urban and regional planning, economic geography, meteorology, agriculture, and others—all have been placed under the guise of environmental science by Kenneth E. F. Watt, in his text “Principles of Environmental Science.” This is the premise upon which I proceed. This unit is indicative that his assertion is indeed valid. The study of all of these disciplines contributes to a better understanding of an environmentin this case the environment of Fair Haven.
The Quinnipiac River is our starting point. This geographic body is responsible for the development of the surrounding area. The river had a number of practical uses, both economical and recreational. The area surrounding it contained arable land, thus acreage was parceled to those desiring it. We are referring to the region between the Mill and Quinnipiac Rivers. Farm land was available on the east side of the river. A bridge was constructed in 1791, where today’s Grand Avenue bridge is located.
The river provided area inhabitants with a wealth of natural resources. Oysters and other shellfish abounded. Their large quantities are hinted at the names assigned to nearby places—Oyster River, Oyster Point, (present day City Point) and Oyster Shell Field (the Wooster Square area). Reportedly the oysters were devoured due to the minimal coats and desirable taste. In fact, the town of New Haven, in an attempt to insure their availability, instituted ordinances which protected oysters during their propagation period. This was as early as 1762. But as with any law, enactment alone will not deter all those for whom it is intended. Enforcement becomes necessary. Therefore, oyster watchhouses were constructed for this reason.
Let us stop and review the situation. The mere existence of a river and corresponding natural resources had necessitated the enactment of regulations concerning use, and the construction of physical structures to aid in the enforcement of these ordinances. Also, personnel had to be recruited to carry out these directives. Try to develop a feel for the growth that was occurring. Examine the areas of interest being affected: 1) geography; 2) politics; 3) the economy (factions included are the job market, a new industryoystering, the construction of physical structures—oyster houses, bridges, boats etc.) 4) history (an event in time is a piece of history;. The oyster industry had as much influence on Fair Haven as any other single factor. Let us trace its roots more closely.
Houses were designed to allow for the processing of oysters. An underground room for opening oysters was included in the construction of the homes. This room was large enough so that a barrel of oysters could be wheeled in easily. The women of the home usually performed this task during the day. Most of these homes were used for this purpose and many
of these very structures still exist. As the industry grew, special shops were set up, functioning as processors. Even then the depletion of supplies was a problem. However by the time the supply became thinned (not exhausted!) the rush was over and enough oysters remained for propagation, guaranteeing next season’s supply would meet its demand. This statue remained until about 1830. At this time the demand now outstripped supply; consequently, the river bottom became the new home of oysters transplanted from Virginia.
The processing of the oysters not only required special structures, equipment, and breeding procedures; but the number of assemblyline tasks expanded. The New York Tribune described the packing process quite clearly in an
article run in
its January 9, 1857 edition.
“There are the openers, the washers, the measurers, the fillers, the packers, etc., each of which performs only the duties pertaining to its own division. At this season of the year (January), few of the oysters are “planted,” but they are generally taken directly from the vessels to the openers.
An expert at this branch will open 100 quarts per day, but the average is not perhaps over 65 quarts; the standard is, I think, 21/2 cents per quart. This work gives employment to many hundreds of women and boys, and much of the work is done at private dwellings, by persons who cannot go into a general workshop.
The oysters, as they come from the vessel, are heaped upon the middle of the room, the operators occupying the wall sides. Each person has before him a small desk or platform, some three feet in height, on which is placed, as occasion requires, about a half bushel of oysters, from which the opener takes his supply. On the stand is a small anvil, on which, with a hammer, the edge of the shell is broken.
The operative is provided with a knife and hammer, both of which are held in the right hand; when the shell is broken then the hammer is dropped and the knife does its work. Two tubs or pails, of about three gallons capacity each, are placed within about three feet of the workman, into which he throws with great dexterity and rapidity, the luscious morsel which is to tickle the palate of some dweller in the Far West. The object of placing these vessels of reception so far from the operator is to prevent, an much as possible, the deposit of the original liquor with the oysters...From the opening room the oysters are taken to the fillingroom, and thence to the packing department.
In the fillingroom, on a platform are placed a dozen or more kegs, with the bungs out. The oysters are first poured into a large hopper pierced with holes, in which they are thoroughly washed and drained, when they are ready to be deposited in packages. This is done by placing a funnel in the aperture of the keg by one person, while another measures and pours.” This operation is performed with great rapidity, two or three men being able to fill some 2,000 kegs in a day.
After depositing the requisite number of “solid oysters,” as they are termed, in each package, a pipe conveying fresh water is applied, and the vacant apace filled with nature’s beverage, the bungs placed and driven home, when it is ready to be shipped. In hot weather. kegs are placed in boxes surrounded with broken ice.”
Again, let’s take a peek at the snowballing effect this industry had on the area. The previously described packing of the oysters required many barrels and boxes, thereby leading to the birth of factories designed to furnish these necessary articles. Three examples were the J. A. Preaton Keg, The Fair Haven Keg Co., and The Kellogg and Ives Keg Co.
The oyster trade spawned the shipbuilding industry here. Shipyards were constructed by necessity. The “sharpie” was launched to retrieve oysters from river beds. Its construction was conducive to this activity.
The area’s growth was remarkable. But an environment will flourish under almost any circumstances, provided someone or something supplies the impetus. When using the term
it is more accurate today to refer to the total community, citing the union of climatic, edaphic, and biotic factors that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival.