Arbo, Sebastian Juan.
Cervantes, the Man and His Time
, New York, Vanguard Press, 1955. This book illustrates Spain during the late fifteenth century and tells about Cervantes’ life and his writings (essays, novel).
Bernardete, Ma’r José.
The Anatomy of Don Quixote
, New York, Kennikat Press, 1969. This book shows of the social and historical background of the era of
Don Quixote
. Discussion of Cervantes’ style of writing and a comparative study of
Don Quixote
Capellanus, Andreas.
The Art of Courtly Love
, New York, Columbia University Press, 1941. The title of this book is self explanatory. It depicts a task analyzed description from medieval times of love, how to “court”, how love grows, etc.
Cervantes, Miguel de.
The Adventures of Don Quixote
translated by Dominick Daly. The MacMillan Company, New York, 1957. This is the translated version of Don Quixote that I would recommend to be used for readings in the class. It is a clear and pleasant translation and retains a good deal of the original story.
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de.
Don Quixote
, translated by Charles Jarvis. Pocket Books, Inc., New York, 1957. I found this translation not to be as complete as I liked—it is a satisfactory condensation.
Cervantes, Miguel de.
The Adventures of Don Quijote, de la Mancha
, Cuneo Press, New York, 1936. Another translation that I found to be satisfactory, but not as easily editable as I needed for my purposes in class.
Croft-Cooke, Rupert.
Through Spain With Don Quixote
Knopf, New York, 1960. This is the story of an account of the author’s trip made over the routes of the three journeys taken by Don Quixote in the novel.
Mar’n, Diego.
La Civilización Espa–ola
, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1969. Written in Spanish, this book tells about Spain’s history and about expansion into the exploration of the New World.
Mondadori, Arnoldo, editor.
Cervantes: His Life, His Times, His Works
, American Heritage Press, New York, 1970. A detailed biography of Cervantes’ life as representative of his period. Also, a review and critique of his major works.
Morón Arroyo, Ciriaco.
Nuevas Meditaciones del Quijote
, Gredos, Madrid, 1976. In Spanish, a compilation of ideas about the character of Don Quixote—more confusing than informative.
Sanchez-Romeralo, Antonio,
Antolog’a de Autores Espa–oles
Antiguos y Nuevos
, The MacMillan Company, New York, 1972. Written in Spanish, this is an anthology of stories by well-known Spanish authors. Well presented, can be used for further exposure to Spanish works of literature in the classroom, if desired.