The following books were used in developing my unit. They are all excellent reference books for both the instructor and students who use this unit. Books of special interest and readability for students are marked with an asterisk (*).
Drama and Theatrical Technique
Bentley, Eric,
The Life of the Drama
, New York: Atheneum, 1970 This text is a useful dissection of the elements in drama presented in a critical format. Chapter 2 “Character” is especially useful to this unit.
* Dezseran, Louis john,
The Student Actor’s Handbook,
Palo Alto, Ca,: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1975
An extremely useful book for the student and instructor, this book contains many varied exercises on all aspects of novice theatrical production.
* Moore, Sonia.
The Stanislavski System
. New York: Viking Press, 1965 A handy condensed version of Konstantin Stanislavski’s classical training for the actor.
Theater Games and Exercises
Chaikin, Joseph.
The Presence of the Actor
. New York: Atheneum, 1972 This book centered around the Open Theater presents a variety of exercises relating the theatrical experience to everyday life.
Spolin, Viola.
Improvisation for the Theater
. Evanston: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1972. This invaluable book presents a variety of theater exercises in an easily understood pedagogical sequence. It is an excellent supplement to the activities presented in the unit.
Berne, Eric.
Games People Play.
New York: Grove Press, 1967. In this book Berne explains his method of transactional analysis. It contains many games and analyses surrounding our everyday lives.
Campos, Leonard, McCormick, Paul.
Introduce Yourself to Transactional Analysis.
Stockton, Cal.: San Joaquin TA Institute, 1972. A short, to-the-point primer for Transactional Analysis.
Goffman, Erving.
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
, Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1959. This book is an extensive analysis of human behavior in social situations. Goffman’ s approach involves the natural theatrics of man. It is an excellent reference source for the sociology of character analysis.
Harris, Thomas.
I’m OK You’re OK.
New York: Avon Books 1973. This popular book based on transactional analysis is an excellent supplement to the activities in this unit. It would be especially relevant to the students who participate in the activities.
Simon, Sidney, Leland Howe, and Howard Kirschenbaum.
Values Clarification
. New York: Hart Publishing Inc. 1972. An excellent supplement to this unit’s activities, this book presents nearly a hundred strategies in game format. It is designed to make its readers face major values in their life through participation in various conflict situations.
Snyder, Mark. “
The Many Me’s of the Self-Monitor
Psychology Today
, vol. 13, No. 10 (March 1980 p. 32-et seq. This is a good reference article focusing on people who are highly successfull at playing social roles and on the effect of that success on their overall personality.
Steiner, Claude.
Scripts People Live
. New York: Grove Press, 1975. This book presents analyses of everyday situations within the framework of transactional analysis. It provides excellent background reading for this unit as well as some fresh perspectives on our daily routines.