AshtonWarner, Sylvia.
. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1967.
An inspiring book of how some disadvantaged Maiori children were taught to enjoy reading.
Biehler, Robert F.
Psychology Applied to Teaching
. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1971.
As its name suggests, this book provides in detail, the psychological aspects that must be dealt with in teaching.
Dennison, George. The Lives of Children.New York: Random House, 1969.
This book tells how disadvantaged children, some of them disturbed, learned and grew in school because they were respected and trusted.
Evans, William.
The Creative Teacher
. New York: Bantam Books Inc., 1971.
This book deals with bringing creativity, and thus, life, back into the classroom.
Fader, Daniel.
Hooked on Books.
New York: Berkely Pub. Corp., 1976.
This book convincingly describes a program where young people, who were completely turned off from school, got hooked on reading.
Griese, Arnold. Do You Read Me? California: Good Year Publishing Co., Inc., 1977.
This book gives practical approaches to teaching reading comprehension.
Hentoff, Nat.
Our Children Are Dying
. New York: The Viking Press, Inc..1966.
It shows how a courageous and creative principal and his staff bring life and learning back to an innercity school. It also shows how it can be done anywhere.
Herndon, James.
The Way It Spozed To Be.
New York: Simon end Schuster, 1968.
A perceptive story told in a humorous way about teaching one year in an innercity junior high school.
Holt, John.
How Children Learn
. New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1972.
An eyeopener which shows how children really learn if allowed to do so in their own learning style.
Horn, Thomas.
Reading For The Disadvantaged.
New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World Inc., 1970.
This gives a sociological, psychological, linguistic, and economical background for the problems which disadvantaged children face in reading.
Karlin, Robert.
Teaching Reading in High School
. New York: The BobbsMerrill Co., Inc., 1972.
A very good handbook for secondary school teachers. It presents detailed methods for dealing with a variety of reading situations.
Neil, A.S.,
. New York: Hart Co., 1960.
This is the story of an internationally famous school which is based on the dignity and freedom of children.
Rothman, Esther.
The Angel Inside Went Sour
. New York: David McKay Co., Inc., 1972.
This book shows how a principal, defying the traditional system handed down to her, dared to be different and created a school in N.Y. city’s innercity where students grew.