Arey, Leslie Brainers.
Developmental Anatomy
. Philadelphia, Pa. W.B. Saunders, Co., 1961. This is a textbook divided into general and specific development. Only the first ten pages specifically relate to the unit topic.
Balinsky, B.I.
An Introduction to Embryology. Philadelphia,
W.B. Saunders Co., 1961. This is also a textbook, pages 3-18 relate directly to this unit.
Dalco, Ann.
Introduction to General Embryology
. London: Oxford Press, 1957. Illustrated and annotated, very general, pages 1-17 most helpful.
Finley, M.I.
The Ancient Greeks: An Introduction to their Life and Thought.
New York: Viking Press, 1963. Chapter six deals with scientific philosophy. Chapter one is also helpful.
From Egg to Chick: A 4-H Manual of Embryology and Incubation.
Storrs, Ct: Cooperative Extension Service. Univ. of Conn. An excellent experimentation guide which includes construction of incubators. For ordering purposes use publication #874-10,250.
Gardner, Eldon Jr.
History of Biology
. Minn., Minn: Burgess Pub. Co., 1965. Presents main landmarks and themes in chronological order.
Mazzeo, Joseph A.
The Design of Life.
Brattleboro, Vermont; The Book Press Inc., 1967. Clearly and simply written providing emphasis on an interplay of biological ideas and other branches of knowledge.
Needham, Joseph.
A History of Embryology
. New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1959. This is the best and most complete book which is often referred to by all of the other authors.
Singer, Charles. A History of Embryology. New York: Henry Schuman Press, 1931. A critical survey of historical developments in biology, pages 1-75 helpful.