Ginn and Company, 1960.
Betz, William, et al.
Everyday General Mathematics Book One.
Revised Edition. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1960.
A mathematics textbook designed for noncollege bound students. While offering a substantial amount of mathematical training, it is concerned directly with immediate application in everyday life. Special attention is given to historical and cultural background.
Everyday General Mathematics Book Two
. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1960.
Book two carries forward the type of work begun in Book one.
Bolster, Carey, and Woodburn, H. Douglas.
Mathematics in Life
. Glenview, Illinois: Scott Foresman and Company, 1977.
A fine textbook for general mathematics classes on the high school level. It stresses basic skills and gives pretests and posttests to measure the progress made by students. Following each skill are consumer applications of the skill. Recreational puzzles are provided to capture the interest of students.
Consumer and Career Mathematics.
Glenview, Illinois: Scott Foresman and Company, 1978.
A textbook for students enrolled in business arithmetic courses on the high school level. It features problems faced by the consumer in everyday life.
Guthrie, Mearl H., and Selden, William.
Today’s Business Mathematics
. New York: Pitman Publishing Company, 1967.
A textworkbook developed for high school students in business education. It presents an explanation of the skills, techniques and procedures necessary for employees of any store or office.
Grossnickle, Foster E.
Fundamental Mathematics
. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Incorporated, 1971.
An excellent book on elementary arithmetic. Essential portions of modern mathematics as well as informal geometry and beginning algebra have been included. The book provides a good background for further study of modern mathematics.
Hart, Walter W., et al.
Mathematics in Daily Use.
Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1966.
Contains subject matter, instruction and practice in mathematics that the majority of people use in their daily affairs. Maximum attention is given to arithmetical processes and to problems solved by them.
Parsky, Larry M.
Target Mathematics for the Worker.
Johnstown, Yennsylvania: Mafex Associates, Incorporated, 1969.
One in a series of workbooks designed for practice in mathematics used in daily life. Problems faced by the worker are emphasized.
Piper, Edwin B., and Gruber, Joseph.
Applied Business Mathematics.
Eighth Edition. Cincinnati: SouthWestern Publishing Company, 1965.
This book was designed to have value for consumer use as well as for business use. It develops the fundamental principles and operations through a study of problems faced by every individual daily. Optional topics have been included to challenge the faster or more capable students.
Rosenberg, R. Robert.
Business Mathematics Principles and Practice.
Fourth Edition. Chicago McGrawHill Book Company, Incorporated, 1953.
A comprehensive text on commercial arithmetic. Practice is provided in all important topics of fundamental arithmetic with emphasis on the arithmetic of business. Its major purpose is to equip the student with a working knowledge of the basic principles of business mathematics that will play a significant part in his adult activities.
Shaw, Bryce H., et al.
Mathematics Plus
. Boston: HoughtonMifflin Company, 1979.
A textbook for secondary level students who will terminate their formal education at the end of high school. It contains many exercises in basic skill as well as consumer applications, business applications and technical applications.
Stein, Edwin I.
Fundamentals of Mathematics.
Modern Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Incorporated, 1968.
A comprehensive basal textbook in contemporary general mathematics for the Junior and senior high schools. It contains all the basic topics of mathematics and includes computational practice and related enrichment materials. It is ideal for use in consumer mathematics, commercial arithmetic, and shop mathematics classes in the high school.
Thompson, Linda L.
Consumer Mathematics
Encino,California: Glencoe Publishing Company, Incorporated, 1978.
An excellent book to help the student recognize what is involved in being a good consumer and to develop the mathematics skills needed to solve consumer problems.