(Teachers will also find these books of interest)
Commoner, Barry.
The Politics of Energy
. New York, Alfred A Knopf. 1979. A comprehensive discussion of our present national energy plan and how we can act politically to bring about a more self-sufficient energy status.
Mazria, Edward.
The Passive Solar Book
. Emmaus, PA, Rodale Press, l979. A complete guide to passive home, greenhouse and building design.
Oxenhorn, Joseph M.
Energy and Our Future
. New York, Globe Book Co., Inc. 1979. A concise, clearly written paperback text on energy alternatives.
Seney, Nowel, and Clayton, Larry, eds.
Energy Saving Projec
ts You Can Build .
Moines, Iowa, Meredith Corporation, 1979. A Better Homes and Gardens book of simple to build and relatively inexpensive energy saving projects with step by step instructions and illustrations.
Stobaugh, Robert and Yergen, Daniel, eds.,
Energy Future
. New York, Ballantine Books, l979. A report of the Energy Project at the Harvard Business School. A comprehensive examination of the energy options facing us today.
Stoner, Carol.
Producing Your Own Power
. New York, Vintage Books of Random House, 1974. A primer on how to make nature’s energy sources work for you.