D. Jill Savitt
Appignanesi, Lisa.
Femininity and the Creative Imagination: A Study of Henry James
Robery Musil
and Marcel Proust
. London: Vision Press Limited, 1973. Introduction on “Femininity: Definitions and Perspectives” is useful for clarifying terms.
Benson, Rachel.
Nine Latin American Poets (A Verse Translation),
New York: Las Americas Publishing Co., 1968. Nine well-knowm poets in a bilingual version. Good for classrooms.
Cornillon, Susan Koppelman.
Images of Women in Fiction
Feminist Perspectives
. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Press, 1972. Essays about women and writing that look to literature for what women are or may be.
Ellmann, Mary,
Thinking About Women
. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1968. Original and at times humorous study of how the concept of female is defined in literature. Good general reading.
Fergusom, Mary Anne,
Images of Women in Literature
. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1973. A great selection of stories by men and women arranged around certain female stereotypes as a means of illustrating these types. Good stories.
Fetterly, Judith.
The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction
. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1978. Scholarly look at several male writers and the images of women inherent in their writings—James, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Mailer, etc.
Fox-Lockert, Lucia.
Women Novelists in Spain and Spanish America
. New Jersey and London: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1979. Good book for background material on various known and unknown women writers in the Spanish-speaking world. Each author has one central work studied.
Hahner, June.
Women in Latin American History: Their Lives and Views
. Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1976. Focus on several important but perhaps unknow women and their impact of history politics literature. Good for students.
Hardwick, Elizabeth,
Seduction and Betrayal
. New York: Random House, 1970. Insightful and personal essays om women writers and writers’ women.
McKendrick, Melveena.
Women and Society in the Spanish Drama of the Golden Age
A Study of the “Mujer Varonil”
. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974. Especiallly useful for those interested in the Golden Age of Spain and what the world of women was like then.
Pearson, Carol and Katherine Pope.
The Female Hero in American and British Literature
. New York/London: R.R. Bowker Co., 1981. Ambitious study of the doings and undoings of female literary heroes. Extensive bibliography of works by and about women.
Pearson, Carol and Katherime Pope.
Who am I This Time? (Female Portraits in British and American Literature)
. New York: McGraw Hill. A novel look at women’s changing and unchanging roles in literary works.
Showalter, Elaine.
A Literature of Their Own: British Women
Novelists from Bronte to Lessing
. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977. Some original observations—focus on British writers.
Spacks, Patricia Meyer.
The Female Imagination
. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1975. Excellent study of power/passivity, woman as artist. Personal style—good reading.
Women on Words and Images (group),
Dick and Jane as Victims
Sex Stereotyping in Children’s Readers
. Princeton, N.J., 1972. Fascinating study that demonstrates the sexism inherent in most schoolbooks.