William F. Natale Jr.
(figure available in print form)
Lesson I—
A lesson to develop better communication skills listening and hearing
This exercise will help the child to become more emphatic with others and develop better listening skills.
Children are broken up into groups of two. One child in each group is given a paper with 2 or 3 questions on it.
The group is given the following directions. Ask your partner the questions found on your assignment sheet. Listen carefully to how your partner answers each question. When your partner is finished answering each question you are to say back to that person in your
words (paraphrase) what you feel that the person is trying to say. Then your partner is to tell you whether you heard him correctly or not. If not, he will again answer that question with the first person listening a little harder until you can correctly paraphrase what that person has said.
From SOURCES OF IDENTITY, Second Edition, part of
The Social Sciences
Concepts and Values Series
by Paul F. Brandwein, et al. Copyright 1977, 1972 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
When one child has done this successfully the partner will switch roles and the interviewer becomes the interviewee.
Sample Questions
1. What was one of the most embarrassing things that has ever happened to you?
2. You have lent your best coat to your cousin. He or she has returned it with a cigarette burn on the sleeve. What would you do?
3. You are very attracted to a boy/girl who only ignores you. What do you do?
Teacher should circulate around to different groups to facilitate conversation and to make sure each has had a chance to “listen” to the other before time period runs out.
This exercise usually takes about 20 minutes but can vary.