A. Teachers’ Bibliography
1. Christensen, E.E., Curry,T.S., Dowdey, J.E.:
Introduction to the Physics of Diagnostic
Radiology: Lea & Febeger, Philadelphia, 2nd Ed.
1978. Chapter 25, Ultrasound, has clearly presented text and illustrations of the physics of ultrasound.
2. Gosink,B.B.:
Diagnostic Ultrasound, Exercises
in Diagnostic Radiology
: W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 2nd Ed. 1981. Chapter 1 has good illustrations and pictures which are helpful in understanding how ultrasound produces images.
3. Kremkau, Frederick W.:
Diagnostic Ultrasound
Principles and Exercises
. Grune & Stratton. New York, 1980. Very clearly states what is happening at each step of the ultrasound imaging process. Has exercises with answers.
B. For Students
1. The Basic Concepts of Diagnostic Ultrasound, Sections I and II. See materials.
2. Distance Formula I. Computer assisted practice in using distance formula with speed of sound in air, water and body tissue. See materials.
C. Materials
1. The Basic Concepts of Diagnostic Ultrasound, Sections I and II. Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute may possibly have a classroom set.
2. Distance Formula I. Computer assisted practice in using the distance formula with speed of sound in air, water and body tissue. In BASIC for Apple II. Floppy disc. Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute. Part of this unit.
3. Slides. Basic Concepts of Diagnostic Ultrasound. Part of this unit. Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute.
4. Speed of Sound. Floppy disc. Computer classroom demonstration which compares the speed of sound in air, water, body tissue and brass. In BASIC for Apple II. Part of this unit. Yale -New Haven Teachers Institute.
5. Video tape. There may be available a video tape on the different types of medical imaging. On it would be real-time ultrasound scanning. Check with Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute.