Liver/Spleen scans now account for approximately three-fourths of all nuclear medicine scans. Liver/Spleen scans are commonly used for displaying shape, size, position and any irregularities of the organ itself. A patient is injected with 6mCi of Technetium sulfur colloid. After fifteen minutes has elapsed the scanning procedure will begin. The particles emitted by the intravenous injection accumulate quickly in the cells of the liver long enough for several views of the liver and spleen to be taken. The views should include:.
a. Anterior aspiration with costal margin marker
b. Anterior expiration with costal margin marker
c. RAO—right anterior oblique
d. LAD—left anterior oblique
e. Anterior to include liver and spleen
f. Rt. Lat.—right lateral
g. Lft. Lat.—left lateral
h. Posterior to include liver and spleen
Any abnormalities such as abscess or lesions can be determined. A normal scan will demonstrate an even distribution of the radioactive isotope throughout the liver. Multiple views are taken, eight in all.