Acosta-Belen, Edna, Ed.
The Puerto Rican Woman
. New York: Praeger Publishers. 1979.
Essays provide insights into contemporary issues confronting women at work and in the family in today’s Puerto Rico.
Guttmacher Institute,
Teenage Pregnancy
The Problem That Hasn’t Gone Away.
New York: The Alan Guttmacher Institute. 1981.
The report contains excellent, current information regarding the educational, health, and social status of pregnant teens and school-age parents in the United States. Unfortunately statistics and data are not delineated for Hispanics.
Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Collective.
Slaves of Slaves
The Challenge of Latin American Women
. 1977.
Juan Morcano’s chapter, “Puerto Rico: Women, Culture and Colonialism”, contains revealing information on the fertility patterns among Puerto Rican women and the United States’ birth control research and practices concerning Puerto Rican women.
Mexican Women in the United States
Struggles Past and Present
. Adelaida R. Del Castillo essay, “Sterilization: An Overview”, contains statistics and facts on sterilization practices among Mexican women and provides another perspective for understanding contemporary fertility of Mexican Americans.
Ooms, Theodora, Ed.
Teenage Pregnancy in a Family Context, Implication
For Policy
. Philadelphia. Temple University Press. 1981.
“The Impact of Adolescent Pregnancy on Hispanic Adolescents and Their Families” by Angel Luis Martinez includes an historical perspective on Hispanic youth culture, current demographic information, and profiles of young mothers within Hispanic families.
Sowell, Thomas.
Ethnic America
. New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers. 1981.
Ethnic America
contains a section, American From Latin America: Chapter 9, The Puerto Ricans, and Chapter 10, The Mexicans. Each includes an historical view of the emigration patterns, current economic, social, and political conditions. The comparisons with other immigrants (Italian, Jewish, Irish, Chinese, Japanese) are interesting.
Wagner, Nathaniel and M.J. Haug, eds.
Social and Psychological Perspectives
. St. Louis: The C. V. Mosby Company. 1971.
The chapter on the Mexican American family conflicting values and social roles in Chicana families.
West, Stanley and J. Macklin, eds.
The Chicano Experience
. Boulder: Westview Press, Inc. 1979.
Chapter 8, “Flesh Pots, Faith, or Finances? Fertility Rate Among Mexican Americans”, by Maria-Luisa Urdaneta contains an excellent discussion of the use of family planning health services and employs a case study approach.