Anos, William H.,
The Infinite River,
New York, Random House, Inc., 1970. This book is a biologist’s vision of the world of water which deals with the intricacies and interrelationships in that world. Deals specifically with the rivers of the northeastern Atlantic coast.
Natural Resources Information Directory for the State of Connecticut, 1983,
Hartford, Natural Resources Center. Lists all available maps and hydrological data published by the state.
Bassow, Herbert,
Water Pollution Chemistry: An Experimenter’s Sourcebook
, Rochelle Park, New Jersey, Hayden Book Co., Inc., 1976. Written for high school or college chemistry students and includes experiments and useful illustrations.
Caras, Roger,
The Forest,
Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1979. A holistic view of a western hemlock forest and all the living things in it. This book is very readable and is used as a textbook in the HSC Ecology course.
Carr, Donald, E.,
Death of the Sweet Waters,
New York, W.W. Norton and Co., Inc., 1966. A broad view of water pollution and other problems with a safe, adequate water supply worldwide.
Cocannouer, Joseph A.,
Water and the Cycle of Life
, New York, The Devin-Adair Company, 1958. This book on the ecology of water tells of the importance of quality water to soil, plants, animals, and man.
Curry, Robert R., “Watershed Form and Balance: The Elegant Balance”,
The Co-Evolution Quarterly,
Issue #12, December 21, 1976, pp. 14-21. The water cycle is described by energy flows, especially as they shape flowing water.
Flint, Richard Foster,
The Surficial Geology of the Mount Carmel Quadrangle,
Quadrangle Report No. 12, 1962, Hartford, State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut. Contains the most detailed, specific information about this area and includes a good color map.
Flint, Richard Foster,
The Surficial Geology of the New Haven and Woodmont Quadrangles
, Quadrangle Report No. 18, 1965, Hartford, State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut. Contains the most detailed, specific information about this area and includes a good color map.
Haber, Heinz,
Our Blue Planet,
New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1969. A broad view of earth with a clear picture of its origin, internal structure, expansion and age.
Hunt, Cynthia A. and Robert M. Garrels,
Water: The Web of Life
, New York, W.W. Norton and Co., Inc., 1972. A book for the general reader with emphasis on world water supplies and political, technical and economic factors important in the future.
Kirk, David L.,
Biology Today
, New York, Random House, Inc., 1980. Good diagrams of relation of North America to the equator over time on p. 198 and history of continents on p. 199.
Institute for Environmental Education, and the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions,
Tuning the Green Machine
, Dobbs Ferry, New York, Oceana Publications, Inc., 1978. An integrated view on environmental systems written clearly for the layman with clear illustrations.
Leopold, Luna B.,
Water, A Primer,
San Francisco, W.H. Freeman and Co., 1974. A very clearly written book which covers all aspects of the water cycle with good diagrams and useful teaching tools.
Leopold, Luna, B., M. Gordon Wolman, and John P. Miller
, Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology
, San Francisco, W.H. Freeman and Co., 1964. An advanced book on the interaction of flowing water and land.
Ludwig, Frances,
The Lake Wintergreen Property,
New Haven, CT, South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority, 1981. A thorough report on the Water Authority’s property prepared to help plan the property’s future.
Marston, Edwin H.,
The Dynamic Environment, Water, Transportation, and Energy,
Lexington, MA, Xerox College Publishing, 1975. This book contains a good section on Urban Water Systems.
Raven, Peter H., Ray F. Evert, and Helena Curtis,
Biology of Plants,
New York, Worth Publishers, Inc., 1981. Good Charts of Life Forms and Geologic Eras.
Rogers, John, “The Geological History of Connecticut,”
, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1980. A very thorough coverage of the bedrock geology of Connecticut.
Shelton, John S.,
Geology Illustrated
, San Francisco, W.H. Freeman and Co., 1966. A textbook with many good illustrations, mostly of western United States.
Smith, David I. and Peter Stopp,
The River Basin,
Cambridge, 1978. A good introduction to the hydrologic cycle and river flow. Has instructions for making simple measurements and measuring instruments for water flow.
Stoner, Carol Hupping, editor,
Producing Your Own Power
, Emmaus, PA, Rodale Press, Inc., 1974. Contains a good section on Water Power written by the Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA).
Warshall, Peter, “Streaming Wisdom Watershed Consciousness in the Twentieth Century”,
The Co-Evolution Quarterly,
Issue # 12, December 21, 1976, pp. 3-10. A philosophic look at the idea of watershed.
Zim, Herbert S. and Paul R. Sheffer,
Rocks and Minerals
, New York, Golden Press, 1963. An illustrated pocket guide to minerals, gems and rocks, and the processes which create them.