Michael A. Vuksta
These readings are to be conducted during or after the site visits.
Discovery Day: Selections from Washington Irving’s
The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus
, Works, Vol. III, G.P. Putnam, New York, 1857.
Veterans Day: Photographs and writings from
Eugene Smith
, Aperture Monograph.
First New Haven Green Visit: Selection from Victor Hugo’s
Notre Dame of Paris
, description of the cathedral, Penguin Classic.
Thanksgiving: Selection not made to date. Possibilities: selections from
The Architecture of Country Houses,
by A.J. Downing, Dover Books, New York, 1969. A visit to the Yale University Library Manuscript Room to view Austin Drawings may be an alternative. These may need to be presented in a slide format due to limited access to drawings because of their fragility.
Winter Solstice: Selection from Doris Lessing’s
Re: Colonized Planet 5
, pp. 163170 on the Festival of the Child, Vintage Books, New York, 1981.
Martin Luther King Day: King’s
I Have a Dream
, in Jaffe, Harold and Tyell, John,
The American Experience
, Harper and Row, New York, 1970.
I am also searching for a recording of this speech as well as for a source for his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance address.