Coolidge, Olivia,
The King of Men
, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1966. The story of the house of Atreus written for students.
Fitzgerald, Robert,
The Odyssey
, Doubleday, Garden City, New York, 1961. The major poetic translation of the poem.
Grant, Michael,
Myths of the Greeks and Romans
, Mentor, New American Library, New York, 1981. Gives a background discussion of the events of the war.
Griffin, Jasper,
, Hill and Wang, New York, 1980. A brief account of the authorship of the epic poems as well as a discussion of their ideas. Very interesting.
Lessing, Erich,
The Voyages of Ulysses
, Herder Freiburg, Basle, Vienna, 1965. A beautifully illustrated book of essays and discussions of the poetry of
The Odyssey
. Wonderful resource.
MacKendrick, Paul, ed.,
Greece and Rome
, National Geographic Society, 1968. Discussions of the land of Odysseus, beautifully photographed. Wonderful resource.