Cheryl E. Merritt
Circle the best choice.
1. I am a
boy girl
2. In my family I am
the youngest child middle child oldest child
3. What age group are you in?
(9-12) (13-15)
4. Do you live with both parents in the same home?
yes no
5. How many sibling(s) live in the house with you?
1 2 3 4 5 more
6. How many sibling(s) do not live with you?
1 2 3 4 5 more
7. Are there any stepbrothers or stepsisters living with you?
yes no
8. I have a
stepmother stepfather
9. Is the entire family aware of problems in the family?
always sometimes never
10. Are the adults the first to know about a problem?
always sometimes never
11. Do family members outside of your home know about family problems in your home?
always sometimes never
12. Does the family as a whole agree on how to solve problems?
always sometimes never
13. When you have a problem, do you talk to your parents before talking to other family members?
always sometimes never
14. Are there problems you would only talk to your brother or sister about?
always sometimes never
15. Are there problems you would only talk to a friend about?
always sometimes never
16. How would you rate your relationship with your mother?
poor fair good
17. How would you rate your relationship with your father?
poor fair good
18. Is there anyone in your immediate family with a handicap?
yes no
19. What type of relationship does this person have with the family?
poor fair good not applicable
20. What type of relationship do you have with the handicapped person?
poor fair good not applicable
Lesson Plan—#3
The student will develop a vocabulary relevant to the materials and increase his understanding of the language.
Words to know and what they mean:.
1. realized
2. disease
3. tomb
a room in which the dead are buried
4. urged
tried to get someone to do something
5. reputation
honor, good name
6. curse
evil wish
7. insulted
said or did something that hurts another
8. challenge
dare, and invitation to fight a duel
9. relatives
members of one’s family
10. ruin
spoil, hurt, destroy
Read the following sentences aloud or write them on the board and have the students complete each sentence with the correct word.
1. To prove that they were brave, the boys decided to spend a whole night in the cemetery near the murderer’s _____ .
2. “We are going to visit our _____ in Canada next Christmas,” said Geraldine.
3. “Jerry told me that an old witch put a _____ on him once, and now he has colds every winter,” said Judy.
4. When Mark _____ that his baby brother was gone, he ran through the whole park until he found him.
5. “This letter is a _____,” said the prince, “and if I open it, I must fight.”
6. “My _____ as an honest man will be destroyed,” said Mr. Collins, “unless I return two dollars to Mrs. Johnson.”
7. Just as his mother finished cleaning his room, Bob came in and began to _____ all she had done.
8. “The counselor at school _____ me to study science,” said Marty. “Someday I’ll be another Einstein.”
9. Janice was so upset when Wendy _____ her that all she could do was cry.
10. Tuberculosis is a _____ that one doesn’t hear much about these days.
Read Act I of ROMEO AND JULIET and Act I of Westside Story.
Follow up
Show movies of each.
Lesson Plan—#4
The students will be able to recall relevant facts from the selection read, Act 1 of
Romeo and Juliet
Following an in-depth discussion of the selection each student would be given a list of incomplete facts from the selection. From a multiple choice list they must complete the facts by the correct choice.
A sample fact list entitled HOW WELL DID YOU READ will be found in this unit.
Some Discussion Questions for
Romeo and Juliet
1. What atmosphere is most strongly stressed in the beginning of the selection?
2. What words, phrases, or sentences most clearly indicate this atmosphere?
3. What threat does Prince Escalus make against the “enemies of peace”? Do you think this threat will or will not end the conflict between the feuding families? Why?
4. Why does Romeo hide from Benvolio and Mercutio?
5. How has Romeo’s attitude toward life changed since he has met Juliet?
6. Think of several adjectives you might use in describing Friar Lawrence.
7. List the steps the nurse is to take in carrying out Romeo’s instructions.
8. What is your impression of the nurse? Is this impression the same throughout the play?
9. Who renews the quarreling and feuding between the Montagues and the Capulets? Which character attempts to serve as peacemaker?
10. In your opinion, is Romeo’s decision to assume personal responsibility for avenging Mercutio’s death justified?
11. What is the nurse’s advice to Juliet, and what is Juliet’s reaction to that advice?
12. What does Juliet plan to do now?
13. What plan did the Friar give Juliet?
14. What questions and doubts come to Juliet’s mind during the “potion” scene?
15. What are your feeling toward Juliet in this scene?
Teachers may now indicate the parallelism of Romeo and Juliet and Westside Story. Have students identify the counterparts in the rival gangs of New York’s West Side.
Allow students to discuss how problems outside of the family can penetrate the family unit and in what ways the family may react. How does the family maintain its unity by sharing mutual responsibility?